Legends of Runeterra
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
Neeko has returned to Standard, and might be one of the best champions in this format right now. Tod...
guide lor standard
Today, I'll show you how to play one of the most powerful decks in the ranked queue right now, as we...
guide standard ranked decks lor
In this article, we brought you the lists of the top-ranked Masters players right now. If you aren't...
guide runeterra decks
Today, we'll review some LoR controversies: decks that made people quit the game entirely. These lis...
opinion decks lor
Every season, after I hit Masters, I write a guide for the deck I used. This season, I used the deck...
guide standard decks
In this article, I'll show you some rising Standard decks. Now that the first week of the new rotati...
guide standard rotation decks
In this article, I bring you 5 rising off-meta lists to play in Eternal before rotation comes along....
guide lor decks eternal
In this article, I'll show you the 5 most popular Elder Dragon decks in Eternal. Even nerfed, this i...
guide eternal decks
The first week of this Eternal competitive season has come and gone! So, I decided to bring you the ...
We decided to bring you, once a week, 5 rising lists so you can test them out on the ranked queue an...
We now have grassroot singleton tournaments for LoR! To promote them, I decided to bring you the 5 d...
guide lor singleton
In this article, we'll show you 5 ways to play Dragons. This is currently one of the most popular ar...
In this article, I'll show you 5 decks that have just come up or updated versions of new archetypes,...
In this article, I bring you 5 rising lists for the Standard ranked queue, which you might find quit...
In this article, we'll show 3 rising lists from the ranked queue that bring Erastin, the Disgraced -...
highlight card decks standard
In this article, I'll teach you how to play the 3 decks I used to get to Masters in 4 days. I only u...
Dreamlit Paths is here! In this article, I'll bring you 15 decks I personally studied and strongly r...
guide decks standard new set
We have separated the lineups of the top 8 players from the last Runeterra Open. This was the last e...
noticia lor runeterra hiato