Legends of Runeterra
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In a recent interview on The Runeterra Report YouTube channel, Legends of Runeterra devs Gregg Travi...
news rotation variety sets expansions lor
For International Women’s Day, we conducted and compiled a series of interviews with influent women ...
women representation lor
Patch 4.2 brings in a surprise gift for LoR players! Riven and Domination are buffed and there are 1...
news variety new cards patch lor balance
Tony Lucas
Answer 10 questions and find out which LoR Targon champion is most like you!
test quiz targon lor
5 LoR followers are just like champions and also speak at the end of games. Do you want to know who ...
curiosity LoR Followers voice lines
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
If you're migrating to Legends of Runeterra competitive scene, we welcome you! Here is a gift for yo...
guide hearthstone lor
Answer 8 questions and find out which Freljord champion in LoR is most like you!
test quiz freljord lor
A Reddit user noticed a secret mechanic that was sneaked in a recent Patch. Take advantage of this n...
news mechanic lor
Legends of Runeterra's new format draws in feedback in the game's Beta Tournament Season. Players gi...
news lor daily rumbles feedback
Yangzera explains the new Legends of Runeterra competitive circuit, besides talking about the new wa...
news standard eternal competitive
Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer
The Daily Rumbles will break the game's deckbuilding rules, allowing very different decks. Here you ...
competitive lor decks news
Come check out which champions went from zero to hero after getting buffs!
opinion buffs ranking
This is my bet on which decks will dominate LoR's next Seasonal, the World-Ender Seasonal! The tourn...
competitive seasonal lor lineups
Woah! Did you just get owned by an emote? Did they think you were the toxic one? No problem, here we...
Humor casual lor emotes
Yasuo, Gwen and Jinx have already gotten Path of the Champions powers in PvP, but other champions mi...
theory lor poc
Check out everything we know about the new Noxian champion that is coming to League and their odds o...
theories LoL LoR
In this article, we will sum up what is rotation in card games, its pros and cons, how Riot intends ...
rotation lor meta
A hotfix has arrived, and if you're a bit lost regarding how the meta will be, come check out my art...
legends of runeterra hotfix meta