Legends of Runeterra
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, I bring you the complete analysis of all the new cards on Patch 4.8.0. This Patch w...
opinion new cards lor
Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa has announced he will be joining the Legends of Runeterra team as a game de...
news dev magic lor
The World Qualifier Runeterra Open in the Heart of the Huntress season happened last weekend, August...
news competitive open
Legends of Runeterra devs reached out to the community for another AMA, and, this time, I, Joeystick...
news ama competitive casual
In this article, you'll have a full recap of this week's Standard Runeterra Royale tournaments, from...
news royale competitive
The first Runeterra Open in the Heart of the Huntress season happened last weekend, July 15th and 16...
Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer
Since last year, we had the release of even more LGBTQIA+ characters in Legends of Runeterra. To cel...
lor curiosities
The Heart of the Huntress brought 3 new champions to Legends of Runeterra: Nidalee, Neeko, and The P...
lor set impressions
The new expansion, Heart of the Huntress, is here! I've brought you 10 lists to test out on the firs...
guide new set decks
In this article, we'll assess and grade all new cards from the new expansion, "Heart of the Huntress...
news guide new set
The Heart of the Huntress Expansion is coming, and with it new skins can come to Runeterra. Let's gu...
news skin new set
Nidalee gets an incredible redesign for the new expansion, "The Heart of the Huntress", alongside a ...
news legends of runeterra design new set
The first Legends of Runeterra Eternal Open Tournament happened over this weekend, June 9th and 10th...
news runeterra open competitive eternal
After two weeks of terror in the Eternal meta, a hotfix has come to save the day just before the big...
news hotfix lor competitive
In this article, we'll analyze the new cards from the Variety Patch 4.5.0, grading each one of them....
news opinion
After a discovery made on Reddit earlier this week, Legends of Runeterra reportedly and allegedly ha...
news lor path of champions player count
In this article, I'll analyze thoroughly all changes from Patch 4.4.0 which will go into the game on...
news meta game runeterra patch
Legends of Runeterra is letting players vote on their new card. The "Community Card Kitchen" is a gr...
news lor new card devs custom card