Legends of Runeterra
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A recent interview by LoRReport brought Legends of Runeterra devs Frank Skarren, aka "Riot Vriss", a...
news rotation lor dev insight
A recent interview by Dave Guskin, Legends of Runeterra's Game Director, announced the "mysterious e...
news lor tournament in person new card
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll tell you 10 lists to play in the first few days of the new Legends of Runeter...
deck guide glory in navori new decks
Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer
Glory in Navori brings three new champions: Sett, Samira and the new exclusive champion, Jack. All a...
lor set first impressions
All confirmed rotated cards, visualized.
news rotation lor
The first cards revealed for Legends of Runeterra’s newest set bring an unseen mechanic for the game...
News lor new set expansion sett
Through a client leak, three new champions were just announced to come for Legends of Runeterra's ne...
news champions expansion
A prize pool of $10,000, new formats for competitive events, a new point system for the World Champi...
news lor competitive worlds
In this article, I'll suggest some decks for those taking their first steps in LoR and relate them t...
news competitive beginners
In a recent interview on The Runeterra Report YouTube channel, Legends of Runeterra devs Gregg Travi...
news rotation variety sets expansions lor
In this article, we'll discuss the Singleton format, which will be played in the next Daily Rumbles ...
guide news singleton competitive
Are you lost with the new cards? Let me help you! In this article, I've collected 10 lists for you t...
guide news
In this article, we'll analyze together Patch 4.2.0 and understand how the new changes affect the me...
Analysis opinion
Patch 4.2 brings in a surprise gift for LoR players! Riven and Domination are buffed and there are 1...
news variety new cards patch lor balance
In this article, you will learn how Legends of Runeterra's competitive tournaments meta works and th...
The complete Jax Ornn guide. Here you will learn the reason this list is dominating the ranked ladde...
guide riot lock ranked ornn jax
A Reddit user noticed a secret mechanic that was sneaked in a recent Patch. Take advantage of this n...
news mechanic lor
Legends of Runeterra's new format draws in feedback in the game's Beta Tournament Season. Players gi...
news lor daily rumbles feedback