Magic: the Gathering


BUDGETING ARENA - Izzet Tempo Spells

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Today we have a deck that manages to control the game while attacking the opponent with increasing strength.

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によってレビュー Tabata Marques

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The deck itself has few creatures to attack the opponent, but the vast majority with the potential to become huge as we play our spells. The vast majority of spells will be played on our opponent's turn to keep the game under control.

Non-budget version

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We will keep the 4 copies of Sprite Dragon and the 4 copies of Brineborn Cutthroat. Both creatures grow as we play our spells (Sprite Dragon with our instants and Brineborn Cutthroat because we normally play in our opponent's turn).


For the budget version we will add 4 copies of Crackling Drake and it will normally be a creature with high power in the late game, not needing to grow like the previous creatures.

Since the idea is not to use rare and mythical cards, we removed the 4 copies of Brazen Borrower // Petty Theft and Bonecrusher Giant // Stomp.

Now that we know the creatures that will grow as we play instants, time to move on to the "control" part of the deck.

To begin with, let's try to prevent the opponent from playing spells:

So, we keep the 2 copies of Quench, a great counter in the early game and can be useful in some lategame situations. We also keep the 2 copies of Negate which helps a lot against control decks, besides stopping opponent's combos/interactions and protecting us against removals.

We added 2 copies of Essence Scatter to hold the opponent's creatures. NOTE: although Essence Capture is relatively better, the fact that it needs two blue mana in cost makes it more difficult to cast.

We replaced the 4 copies of Ionize with Neutralize, which will normally be used to undo any threat from the opponent. However, if the game is under control it can be recycled to help find more direct answers.

In addition to trying to prevent the opponent from casting their spells, we also have some burns to remove creatures that we were unable to counter and to finish the game faster with direct damage.

We will keep the 4 copies of Shock.

We also keep the 2 copies of Fire Prophecy that, besides causing damage to creatures we can (that is, optionally), puts a card from our hand at the bottom of our library, serving as a sudo "draw a card" during the mid and late game.

And we increased from 2 to 4 copies of Ral's Outburst which in addition to causing damage to any target still gives us the card advantage.

In addition to the counters and burns, we still keep the 4 copies of Opt for that to give a little support to the deck.

On the basis of mana we will remove all copies of Steam Vents, Castle Vantress and Blast Zone and add 4 copies of Swiftwater Cliffs.Also, we increased from 8 to 12 Island and from 5 to 8 Mountain.

With these changes we arrive at the following list:

Budget Version

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As we can see, the deck is able to control the game well and just fit one or two creatures to finish the game in the meantime.

I hope you enjoyed and see you soon.