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LoR: Check Out the Top 5 Players on the Eternal Ranked Queue!

LoR: Check Out the Top 5 Players on the Eternal Ranked Queue!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll explore the 5 best-ranked decks on the Eternal ranked queue. This top 5 is fu...

ranking eternal decks

Top 10 Best Champion Buffs in the History of LoR

Top 10 Best Champion Buffs in the History of LoR

Tony Lucas

Come check out which champions went from zero to hero after getting buffs!

opinion buffs ranking

Top 10 Champion spells which are more popular than their champions!

Top 10 Champion spells which are more popular than their champions!

Tony Lucas

Know that champion that you barely see in a deck, but their spell is everywhere in meta decks? Yeah...

ranking curiosities champions

Card Draw in LoR by Region: Differences and Functioning!

Card Draw in LoR by Region: Differences and Functioning!


In this article we will talk about card draw in LoR and how this mechanic is distributed across all ...

curiosities ranking competitive

The Most Buffed Champions in the history of LoR

The Most Buffed Champions in the history of LoR

Tony Lucas

After getting to know the most nerfed champions, it is time to find out who are the balancing team's...

Buffs Curiosities Ranking

The most nerfed champions in the history of LoR

The most nerfed champions in the history of LoR

Tony Lucas

It's time to kill your curiosity and find out which champions the Balancing Team doesn't forgive whe...

nerfs curiosities ranking
