Today, we'll discuss 5 rising decks that are standing out in the first week of this Standard ranked season.
By "rising decks", we mean decks that have slowly become more popular with players in the ranked queue. Let's understand why these decks are so popular and why they're so strong right now.
Pantheon Varus
Now that Darkins are back in Standard, Pantheon has also returned, as well as the iconic "Fated" archetype.
This deck is quite famous, particularly among veterans, and is practically ready for the meta. It was once very popular in important tournaments and is considered one of the best decks for competitive settings to this day. Now that a few grassroot tournaments are coming back, naturally more players will test out this archetype.
It is also great against decks that don't interact with your board because its units are quite beefy, and it plays many Spellshield cards, as well as protective Targon spells. This means your units will never leave the board.
The last addition to this archetype was Spectral Surveyor, which made it even stronger because it lets you destroy landmarks, heal your Nexus, or remove keywords from enemy units.
After a new rotation, players often try to climb ranks as fast as possible and, as a result, they flood the ranked queue with aggro decks.
One of the best anti-aggro decks in the game is Darkins. This archetype is one of the few that can heal itself constantly, and also plays units that can block Fearsome attackers.
Not to mention, it also plays Frostbites and great combat tricks to deal with enemy units. It is very consistent because you can draw your champions through their origins. So, it is a favorite among competitive players that look for consistency and avoid RNG.
Draven Rumble
One of the most efficient ways to beat aggro decks is to be even more aggressive than they are.
The Draven Rumble archetype follows this logic, as it is fast enough to beat other fast decks. What makes this deck strong in the current meta is that many meta units don't have a lot of HP, so you'll easily deal damage to the enemy Nexus with Overwhelm.
Rumble, alongside Might and Great Hammers, is practically an unstoppable threat. This deck decides matches early on, and, currently, there are just a few lists that can deal with Overwhelm Rumble.
Draven Jinx
This is, undoubtedly, one of the oldest and most iconic decks in this article, as well as one of the fastest decks of all time. Beloved by players, it is also one of the most powerful decks in Standard nowadays.
It hasn't changed a bit because it is an extremely closed-off archetype. Nonetheless, it is still incredibly powerful. As there aren't many control options in the meta, very few decks can deal with Draven Jinx's "all-in" strategy. This means your opponents will hardly be able to stop your combo, or remove your units.
If the opponent lets Draven Jinx free to play, it will certainly deal a lot of damage.
I highly recommend this archetype if you want to climb ranks fast because it is easy to pilot, very efficient, and quite strong in the current meta.
Nilah Ezreal
Finally, we have the most surprising deck of all: Nilah Ezreal control with Ruined Rex.
This archetype came out of nowhere, and is, so far, a novelty. It is full of direct Piltover & Zaun removals, besides anti-aggro Bilgewater cards, which all make it quite nostalgic.
The center of its combo is Sunken Temple, which can stack up to 6 of Ruined Rex's Cannon Barrages - they deal 2 damage to enemy units at random. This skill levels up Ezreal and is also great to clear the enemy board.
Because of this interaction, this deck is the fastest when it comes to levelling up Ezreal and is also the best list in terms of removals in the entire game nowadays. You'll win the match by removing units and dealing damage to the enemy Nexus directly, all at the same time.
It is incredibly efficient and beats all aggressive and midrange decks in the meta. It currently has the highest win rate in the game: 64.53%.
Final Words

If you read this far, thank you! I hope you had fun and enjoyed reading this article.
Which deck above is your favorite? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below!
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