Currently there are 68 skins in LoR - and with so many illustrations, I’m sure some of the references and easter eggs which are present in them end up going unnoticed by you guys. Pondering over that, I decided to write this article, which catalogs all easter eggs and references existing in LoR skins.
They are organized by launch order, however, when there wasn’t any easter eggs or references, I’d skip to the next launch (the first skin lines of the game, Cosmic and Dark Star, for instance, don’t have any references or easter eggs, so I start right away with Pool Party). That being said, let’s start, because we have a lot to cover!
Pool Party Skins
Zoe and Taric
All cards that appear in Pool Party Zoe, including herself, are alongside Taric, in his level 2 art, so I only took his art and made the identification.

Alongside Taric, we have Zoe and some followers: Sneaky Zeebles, Giddy Sparkleologist, Spacey Sketcher, Starry Scamp and Startled Stomper.
As for Pool Party Taric level 1 art, we have Haley, from the card Mountain Sojourners and Tyari The Traveler, before becoming the celestial The Traveler.


In this art we have the presence of Pool Party Syndra. The curious detail about it is that this champion hasn’t come to the game yet, but her skin already exists in League. Another skin that already exists in League is Pool Party Gangplank, who also shows up here.
As we know, Gangplank exists in LoR, but hasn’t received a skin yet. Maybe someday we will see this champion getting this exact skin? Another champion present in Heimerdinger’s art is Zoe.

I love Fiora’s art! Here we have the presence of many LoR champions who still don’t have Pool Party skins, but are dressed with their bathing suits. They are: Lux, Garen, Darius, Katarina, Ashe and Tryndamere.
The funny thing is Ashe’s face, ashamed about her husband Tryndamere, as he challenged Fiora in a duel (we all know no one can defeat her, right?). In her level 2 art from this skinline we can see the outcome of this scene, with Tryndamere being taken down by Fiora.
Oh, and the only one who is in this scene who really has a Pool Party skin in League, outside of Fiora, is Leona, who shows up there in the left corner.

I think this is the skin with the highest count of easter eggs! Let’s go, there in the left corner is The Leviathan and Orianna (who is also not in LoR yet, but her skin exists in League) and Syndra playing volleyball against Fiora and Graves, who also has a Pool Party skin in League, but hasn’t come at all to LoR yet.
And in highlight we have many Noxus followers, which show up with more details in Draven’s level 2 art. However, I’ve already identified every single one of them in this art. They are: Kato The Arm, Shiraza the Blade, Minotaur Reckoner, Arena Battlecaster and Savage Reckoner.
Guardians of the Sands Skins

Pyke and Ekko are the only ones who have skins from this skinline in LoR, so it was quite obvious they would appear in each other’s art, right? In Sand Wraith Pyke’s level 2 art, we have the presence of Sandstorm Ekko.
Sentinels x Ruined Skins

The Ruination event, which brought Ruined and Sentinel skins for some LoR champions, didn’t bring many references or easter eggs. The only one I found is in Sentinel Riven’s art. In it, the champion shows up facing Ruined Draven.
Battle Academia Skins

Leona is trying to eat in peace in the cafeteria, but there is a big food war going on and some of the people involved in this situation are two well known cards by us: Boomcrew Rookie and Zaunite Urchin.

In Katarina’s art we have not only existing skins in LoR (As is the case with Lux and Ezreal), but also skins which, for now only exist in League (Battle Academia Jayce, Academy Darius and Academy Vladimir), and there’s Battle Academy Aphelios, which for now doesn’t exist in any Riot’s games.

Here we have Ophelia Noradi, our dearest Crimson Aristocrat and Academy Prodigy, a Piltover and Zaun card which has never seen play, but considering its design, is quite coherent to appear in this skin’s universe.

Caitlyn and Corina Veraza are rivals in any universe, right? Here they show up competing in a target shooting competition, in which, of course, Caitlyn is winning. And who is their teacher who shows up there in the corner? Graves himself. This skin of his already exists in League, but we don’t yet have Graves in LoR, however I believe sooner or later he will come, after all, he is already present in many of the game’s artworks.

To close up the references and easter eggs from the Battle Academia universe we have Cithria of Cloudfield showing up in Lux’s art.
Gilded Skins

Almost unnoticed in this art, we have Ferros Financier, who looks to be participating in quite an exciting conversation.

Two cards well-known from Ekko’s follower set show up in his Gilded skin. I’m talking about Kay, from the card Practical Perfectionist and Shomi, from the card Dropboarder.

In Vi’s art we have a card that doesn’t see much play, but they show up often fighting against this champion. The card is Midenstokke Henchmen.
Winter Wonder Skins
Earnest Elf Tristana

This skin, besides being very cute, has the presence of Tristana’s followers dressed as Santa helpers. The follower cards are Gruff Grenadier and Bandle Gunners.
Winter Queen Ahri

Here, alongside Ahri, we have Sai’nen Thousand-Tailed in a magnificent ice version.
Worldbreaker Skins

Karma is quite important for this Worldbreaker skinline, as she is responsible for waking up the titans that are going to destroy our world. In LoR, this champion didn’t get a skin from this line, but in League she has her Sun Goddess skin, which shows up in this art from level 2 Worldbreaker Elise.
Arcane Skins

In Vi’s level 1 art we have the presence of Caitlyn, with her look from the animated Netflix show (which is the same as Caitlyn’s Arcane skin, which exists in League) and in her level 2 art, we have Vi again facing the Midenstokke Henchmen.


In Jinx’s skin we have a reproduction of the scene from Arcane’s season finale! Right at the right corner we have the presence of Vi and Caitlyn.
The curious bit is that Caitlyn shows up in both skins, but she didn’t have her Arcane skin released in LoR. Maybe it’s because she already has a lot of skins in the game? I don’t know for sure, but I suspect so.
Arcade x Boss Skins

In Battle Boss Ziggs’ art we have the presence of Arcade Ahri, which hasn’t come to LoR yet, but exists in League.

Besides the presence of Arcade Hecarim(which also came to LoR), in this art there are some follower cards from Shadow Isles. They are: Doombeast, Duskrider and Evershade Stalker. They are all fleeing from Battle Boss Nocturne, who is one of the villains in this line.

Both in this skin’s art and texts there are references to Pokémon. Yes, that’s right! Quinn is a Pokémon Trainer and in her level 1 art we have the moment that she captures Valor, here called Valorous.
As for her level 2 art, we have both of them in a Pokémon battle, in which the scenery looks a lot like the Pokémon Leagues, which happen in the anime.

Miss Fortune

He appears quite small (SORRY, VEIGAR!), but we can perceive his presence, the Final Boss, Veigar, in Arcade Miss Fortune level 2 art.

This Anivia skin is a reference to a spaceship shooting game series called Star Fox. Anivia’s spaceship design looks a lot like Arwing’s, the ship in which the game’s animals drive.
Infernal Skins

Both in Infernal Kennen’s level 1 and level 2 art we have the presence of his followers: Ember Monk and Tornado Warrior.
Pulsefire Skins
Lucian and Thresh

The biggest rivals in the game, Lucian and Thresh, are also rivals in this skin line and they appear dueling each other in both champions skins’ artwork.

In Akshan’s level 1 art, we have the presence of Pulsefire Shen (the skin exists in League, but hasn’t come to LoR yet).
Apparently, they are rivals. In Akshan’s skin text it is mentioned that Shen, in a timeline, killed someone dear to Akshan.

This Akshan skin is very detailed and has a many new artworks, including one for Sandstone Charger:

In this skin’s art for Warlord’s Hoard, we have the presence of the card Vekauran Safecracker:

Caitlyn and Jhin

This is more noticeable when we watch the level up animations from both champions, but Jhin’s and Caitlyn’s level 2 artworks from this skin line depict the same scene. Both are facing each other and in the skins’ text there are lines from one character to another.

Rift Quest Skins

All the characters from the Rift Quest skin line show up in each other’s artworks.
But those of you with a keen eye must have noticed that there is one mysterious champion who didn’t get a skin, even though they show up in all other artworks. It’s Rugged Garen, which wasn’t completed in time to come to the game alongside the other skins, but is already confirmed to come soon.
Oh, and in this art that I put up there to showcase it, in its left corner, there are two characters that many suspect are Graves and Twisted Fate. I found them both, in fact, very alike the pair, but I’m not sure. What do you think?
These were all the references and easter eggs I’ve found in all released skins in the game so far (Patch 3.10). Did I forget any? Tell me all about it in the comment section!
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