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LoR: Reviving Decks - Updating 2020 Lists for the 2025 Eternal Ranked Queue!

LoR: Reviving Decks - Updating 2020 Lists for the 2025 Eternal Ranked Queue!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll revisit some old lists from 2020, the year Legends of Runeterra came out. Bac...

guide decktech lor decks eternal

Eternal Deck Tech - Elise Gnar: Know the Power of Zoo's Strength!

Eternal Deck Tech - Elise Gnar: Know the Power of Zoo's Strength!


Today's article was a joint effort between me and competitive player Peace about Elise Gnar. He crea...

Eternal competitive Open Deck

Eternal Deck Guide: Nasus Thresh - Strong at all Times!

Eternal Deck Guide: Nasus Thresh - Strong at all Times!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll discuss the most played list in the Eternal Format, Nasus Thresh. This deck h...

guide decktech eternal

Standard Deck Guide - Aatrox, Vayne and Quinn: The Best of Demacia!

Standard Deck Guide - Aatrox, Vayne and Quinn: The Best of Demacia!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

The Aatrox Vayne and Quinn list dominated the meta in two back to back Runeterra Opens, and it has s...

guide standard deck tech

Standard Deck Guide: Samira Pantheon - Transforming an Archetype

Standard Deck Guide: Samira Pantheon - Transforming an Archetype

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, you'll learn how to play with one of the hardest, but also one of the most rewardin...

guide decktech standard

Deck Guide: Gwen & Quinn: From Plat to Masters in less than a week

Deck Guide: Gwen & Quinn: From Plat to Masters in less than a week

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll talk about a very strong list, Gwen Demacia! You'll learn the best strategies...

guide deck tech masters

Deck Guide: Kai'sa and Evelynn - The return of a strong archetype

Deck Guide: Kai'sa and Evelynn - The return of a strong archetype

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll discuss the return of Kai'Sa into the meta, and the buffs to Evelynn's packag...

Guide decktech evelynn kai'sa

LoR: Complete History of the Gangplank Sejuani Deck and How it Evolved

LoR: Complete History of the Gangplank Sejuani Deck and How it Evolved

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

Come revisit the story of one of the most consistent decks in all Legends of Runterra's history. Eve...

curiosities deck tech

Deck Tech Elise Nocturne Aggro: A Spider Nightmare

Deck Tech Elise Nocturne Aggro: A Spider Nightmare


Get to know more about this Aggro Nocturne deck which counts with the help of the Violent Elise's Pe...

Elise Nocturne Aggro DeckTech

Gwen Sejuani Deck Tech: Overwhelming your Opponents

Gwen Sejuani Deck Tech: Overwhelming your Opponents


Come discover a way to play Gwen using the same old Freljord veterans, in a quite aggressive Midrang...

guide midrange competitive sejuani

Zoe Leona Aurelion Sol Deck Tech - Perfect for you to climb the ladder!

Zoe Leona Aurelion Sol Deck Tech - Perfect for you to climb the ladder!

Rodrigo Lima "Katsuo"

Get to know the Leona Aurelion Sol list, a match that came to with the latest Daybreak buffs and tha...

Leona Aurelion Sol Targon Daybreak Invoki

Elise Gwen Katarina Deck Tech - Spinning a trap!

Elise Gwen Katarina Deck Tech - Spinning a trap!


Gwen Elise Katarina is a very aggressive deck, ideal for players who enjoy a fast paced game rhythm,...

Elise Gwen Aggro Decktech

Nami Lee Sin Deck Tech: A must-have in any line-up!

Nami Lee Sin Deck Tech: A must-have in any line-up!

Tony Lucas

Get to know and understand the deck that has been dominating the meta! With the arrival of the Ionia...

deck tech seasonals competitive

Deck Tech: Nasus Kindred, a rewarding sacrifice

Deck Tech: Nasus Kindred, a rewarding sacrifice


Discover more about this eye-catching deck! Focused on board control, it has consistent mid and late...

DeckTech Nasus Kindred Control

Deck Tech: Karma Viktor and the power of Back Alley Bar!

Deck Tech: Karma Viktor and the power of Back Alley Bar!

Tony Lucas

The arrival of the new landmark made both champions stronger! Come get to know how this deck works!

competitive decktech tips

Deck Tech: Maokai Norra - Perfect Synergy

Deck Tech: Maokai Norra - Perfect Synergy

Tony Lucas

Learn how to pilot one of the most fun and surprising decks of the expansion! Norra and Maokai have ...

competitive decktech

Deck Tech: Kai'sa and her unbeatable strength!

Deck Tech: Kai'sa and her unbeatable strength!

Tony Lucas

In this article you will learn how to play the strongest meta deck!

Deck Tech Competitive

Deck Tech: Ahri Bard - Recalls, buffs, and elusive threats!

Deck Tech: Ahri Bard - Recalls, buffs, and elusive threats!

Tony Lucas

A guide on how to play Ahri/Bard, a deck that will probably be this Seasonal's star list!

deck tech competitive seasonals

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