This deck, featuring Morgana, Galio, and the Elder Dragon, offers a mix of control and late-game power. The strategy revolves around stalling the game with early units like Petricite Broadwing and Petricite Hound, while generating value through cards like Wind Singer and Mihira, Aspect Ascendant. Galio serves as a win condition, providing a powerful late-game threat that can swing the game in your favor. Good points of the deck include strong late-game potential, the ability to control the board with cards like Shield of Durand and Magical Fettering, and a diverse range of options for different matchups. Additionally, the Elder Dragon provides a powerful board presence that can overwhelm opponents if left unchecked. However, some drawbacks of the deck include a reliance on specific combo pieces like Galio and Morgana, which can be vulnerable to removal or disruption. The deck also lacks early-game aggression, which can make it difficult to keep up with aggressive strategies. Overall, the Morgana // Galio // Elder Dragon deck can be a powerful and fun deck to play, but requires careful planning and execution to succeed.
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