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Timelines in the Spotlight: Which version of the deck is the best?

Timelines in the Spotlight: Which version of the deck is the best?

Tony Lucas

With the arrival of equipment, Timelines decks have become popular, but which is the best list? We w...

competitive comparison timelines

Deck Tech: Maokai Norra - Perfect Synergy

Deck Tech: Maokai Norra - Perfect Synergy

Tony Lucas

Learn how to pilot one of the most fun and surprising decks of the expansion! Norra and Maokai have ...

competitive decktech

5 Decks to play in the new Darkin Saga Expansion: Awakening!

5 Decks to play in the new Darkin Saga Expansion: Awakening!

Tony Lucas

In this article I bring decks with the new champions that are coming to LoR!

decks competitive lists

The Winners and Losers of Legends of Runeterra's Patch 3.13 by Region!

The Winners and Losers of Legends of Runeterra's Patch 3.13 by Region!


In this article, I'll gauge the changes according to the regions that were most affected and, throug...

patch breakdown competitive meta lor

Deck Guide: Bard Illaoi - The Chiming Tentacles!

Deck Guide: Bard Illaoi - The Chiming Tentacles!


In this article I will explain a bit about how to understand, play and dominate the ranked ladder wi...

deck guide competitive bard illaoi

Deck Tech: Kai'sa and her unbeatable strength!

Deck Tech: Kai'sa and her unbeatable strength!

Tony Lucas

In this article you will learn how to play the strongest meta deck!

Deck Tech Competitive

Gwen: 5 Best Decks to Play with this Champion!

Gwen: 5 Best Decks to Play with this Champion!

Tony Lucas

Shred your enemy’s nexus with the seamstress’ scissors! In this article, I present 5 great options o...

competitive Gwen Decks

Deck Tech: Ahri Bard - Recalls, buffs, and elusive threats!

Deck Tech: Ahri Bard - Recalls, buffs, and elusive threats!

Tony Lucas

A guide on how to play Ahri/Bard, a deck that will probably be this Seasonal's star list!

deck tech competitive seasonals

Deck Tech: Nami Twisted Fate, stand as a proud tide caller!

Deck Tech: Nami Twisted Fate, stand as a proud tide caller!

Capitão Serket

An amazing list that showed up recently, it holds off pretty good in the early game and finishes wit...

competitive Runeterra

Deck Tech: Twisted Fate and Annie - A deck that beats and controls!

Deck Tech: Twisted Fate and Annie - A deck that beats and controls!

Capitão Serket

If you like dealing Nexus damage and cleaning the board at the same time, this deck is for you. Twis...

Competitive Meta Tempo

Deck Tech: Ezreal Annie - A deck for those who are good at math

Deck Tech: Ezreal Annie - A deck for those who are good at math

Capitão Serket

This is the list in which Ezreal finally shines. The best removals are here. Do you like to play rea...

Competitive Reactive Annie Ezreal Removal

Deck Tech: Kennen Ezreal - A lot of burn for just a bit of mana

Deck Tech: Kennen Ezreal - A lot of burn for just a bit of mana

Capitão Serket

The Ezreal Kennen deck is for those who love to get their opponents off guard and deal a lot of dire...

competitive Combo Ionia Piltover

Deck Tech: Rumble Sion Midrange - Survive removals!

Deck Tech: Rumble Sion Midrange - Survive removals!

Capitão Serket

Sion/Rumble is a Midrange list which can deal easily with control lists. So, if removal is popular, ...

competitive Mechas Midrange

Deck Tech: Akshan Sivir - Foundations of Runeterra

Deck Tech: Akshan Sivir - Foundations of Runeterra

Capitão Serket

Let's get into one of the most consistent lists in Legends of Runeterra, powerful competitively and ...

Midrange Consistent Competitive

Deck Tech: Taliyah   Ziggs - Discover this deck's whole power!

Deck Tech: Taliyah Ziggs - Discover this deck's whole power!

Tony Lucas

A guide on how to play Taliyah Ziggs, the list is focused on landmarks and their destruction. I will...

Competitive Deck Tech Landmarks

Deck Tech: Senna   Veigar - Absolute Control!

Deck Tech: Senna Veigar - Absolute Control!

Tony Lucas

Even with nerfs, the Darkness deck maintains its strength and consistency. Learn all about the deck ...

deck tech control competitive darkness

Deck Tech: No Champion Burn - Budget and Competitive

Deck Tech: No Champion Burn - Budget and Competitive

Capitão Serket

The No Champion Burn Deck is the cheapest competitive deck in the game. Fast and aggressive, it's al...

LoR Burn Budget Competitive

Deck Tech: Yuumi Pantheon - The most dominant deck in the meta!

Deck Tech: Yuumi Pantheon - The most dominant deck in the meta!

Tony Lucas

Do you want to climb without a headache? If the answer is yes, this is the right article for you. Le...

deck tech competitive ranked

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