Legends of Runeterra
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, I bring a meta analysis for the Eternal Runeterra Open on November 18th, alongside ...
guide open eternal
In this article, I'll teach you how to play with Swain Norra, a Noxus Control deck, and the list I c...
guide eternal control
In this article, we'll analyze each change in Patch 4.11. We'll find out together what will be good ...
guide balancing patch eternal
In this article, you'll learn how to play one of the most powerful decks in Eternal, and also be gif...
guide eternal decks
Today's article was a joint effort between me and competitive player Peace about Elise Gnar. He crea...
Eternal competitive Open Deck
The Eternal Runeterra Open in the Heart of the Huntress season happened last weekend, September 2nd ...
news competitive open
In this article, we'll discuss the new broken combo which can wreak havoc on the ranked ladder and t...
guide eternal
In this article, you'll see the Top 5 lineups which can appear in the Heart of the Huntress Eternal ...
guide competitive lineups eternal
We're starting another competitive season in the Eternal format, and one single archetype has been d...
guide celestial eternal
The Eternal format is back in the competitive spotlight, and, as a result, we brought you a guide on...
guide timelines eternal
The Eternal competitive season has started, and today we've brought the best lists to play in the fi...
The Eternal format is being dominated by one of the most consistent combo lists of all time, Samira ...
guide eternal competitive
The first Legends of Runeterra Eternal Open Tournament happened over this weekend, June 9th and 10th...
news runeterra open competitive eternal
In this article, we'll discuss the most played list in the Eternal Format, Nasus Thresh. This deck h...
guide decktech eternal
After two weeks of terror in the Eternal meta, a hotfix has come to save the day just before the big...
news hotfix lor competitive
In this article, I'll build a few lineups for the June 10th Runeterra Open, which will be played in ...
In this article, we comment on the changes on Patch 4.5.0, and we'll give some tips on which decks t...
eternal decks patch review
Yangzera explains the new Legends of Runeterra competitive circuit, besides talking about the new wa...
news standard eternal competitive