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League of Legends Items that Appear in LoR Cards!

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In this article, I'll show you a few League of Legends items that appear in the background of LoR cards, or have their own card. The idea behind this article is to discuss these cards and items in a fun way as a community. Let's go!

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traduzido por Joey

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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Since we're still all waiting for the July 2024 rotation, I thought it would be cool to bring another cool list of fun facts for you.

Today, we'll discuss League of Legends items that appear in LoR cards, or even have their own cards. Tell us in the comment section if we missed any of them!

Cards that Are League of Legends Items

There are a few cards in LoR that are literally League of Legends items. They have the same name, similar artworks and effects.

Health Potion

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One of the oldest cards we have that is also a League item is Health Potion. Its artwork in LoR is almost identical to its League counterpart, and both do very similar things.

In LoR, Health Potion wasn't that popular, and only showed up in specific control decks with Karma that played lots of healing. Eventually, the game got more cards and Health Potion became a bit useless in this type of deck.

As for League of Legends, it is perhaps one of the most common items in the entire game. Everyone buys it in every match.

Elixir of Iron

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Elixir of Iron is one of LoR's most iconic cards, and was incredibly popular in the early days of the game in the first Midrange metas. Nowadays, it occasionally becomes meta again every once in a while, usually in Jax lists and fast Overwhelm decks with Freljord.

This item's artwork, in League, has a brown/orange background, but the LoR card has a white and blue background, and there's a little snow on the Elixir itself. This is another visual reminder that this is a Freljord card, the region with this color palette and a lot of snow.

Elixir of Wrath

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This is another Elixir that got its own card in LoR, and it is, once again, almost identical to the League of Legends item.

The main difference is that, in League, this Elixir has eyes that form the shape of a face in the bottle. LoR's Elixir of Wrath doesn't have eyes, but we can still see the shape of a face because of the mouth on the bottom of the bottle, which is full of spikes, or sharp teeth.

In LoR, this card is great in aggressive decks, and was very popular in meta lists that focus on many mini-combos, like Samira Fizz and other fast decks.

Chain Vest

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Chain Vest was really popular in a very specific meta in the Mono-Kai'Sa list, right after she was released to the game. This deck is considered one of the strongest and most toxic decks of all time, and used Chain Vest as a way to level up your Kai'Sa faster.

This item's artwork in League is almost identical to its LoR counterpart, but there are a few differences - only the LoR artwork shows blue gems on the shoulder straps of the Vest.

Mikael's Blessing/Mikael's Crucible

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In the good olden days, we could never tell whether this Crucible was just a bell, but, after it was reworked, we were sure that it was, indeed, a bell.

Mikhael's Blessing was never relevant in LoR, and is, actually, a pretty forgotten card. We never used this card because it was never worth it to remove negative keywords from an ally for 3 mana. A few Pantheon lists tried to use it, but other Strike spells were just significantly better for that archetype.


This item's two artworks are identical, but the League version is a lot more vibrant and vivid when compared to the LoR version, which is a bit more pale, and not as cartoonish.

Items that Show Up in the Background

Morellonomicon - Level 2 Veigar

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Veigar's level 2 artwork shows him driving his mecha and carrying, in his hands, the Morellonomicon.

However, this is the old version of Morellos, as nowadays this item is tinted green to match the green theme of "anti-healing" items across the entire game.

Current Morellonomicon
Current Morellonomicon

And there's more: Veigar's level 2 artwork also shows a hat on the "head" of his mecha robot that is really similar to Rabadon's Deathcap, an item that one of Veigar's followers in LoR, Stilted Robemaker, also quotes.

However, as these two hats are incredibly different, considering their colors and details, we can't say for certain that it is Rabadon's Deathcap.

Old Void Staff, Health Potion, and Fiendish Codex - Black Market Merchant

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Black Market Merchant's artwork shows him selling many items that are being carried by his crab companion.

The items I listed above are only the ones we know for sure are in this artwork. However, you can see there are many other products on display in his shop that are really similar to other League items.

Such as, for instance: a Haunting Guise, an Amplifying Tome, and a Locket of the Iron Solari. They all seem to be available at his shop, but we can't confirm their cameos because they look significantly different in this illustration from what they used to be in League.

Pickaxe, Zhonya's Hourglass, and old Blade of the Ruined King - Ezreal

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Ezreal's artwork shows many items that he's collected throughout the years.

This includes a Pickaxe, which is right in front of his bed, a Zhonya's Hourglass, which is in his closet, on a shelf, and the Blade of the Ruined King right beside the desk.


Keep in mind that this Ezreal artwork is incredibly old, and was created even before the Blade of the Ruined King was updated. This was before the Ruination event and Viego's release. That's why this card shows the old version of the Blade of the Ruined King.

Honorable Mentions

There are a few item cameos that we can't confirm and say, for sure they are, indeed, the same items from League, not 100%, but they are really similar to them.

Seraph's Embrace - Lux: Illuminated

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Lux: Illuminated's artwork shows her in her dream carrying a scepter that really looks like Seraph's Embrace.

However, there's also a Path of Champions relic that represents this staff, and it is called "Lux's Incandescent Baton". Since this is her dream, who knows what it is.

Night Harvester - Rhasa, the Sunderer

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Rhasa the Sunderer's artwork shows him carrying some type of scythe that is really similar to League's Night Harvester.

Final Words

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If you read this far, thank you! I hope you had fun and enjoyed reading this article.

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See you next time!