With the first Legends of Runeterra World Champion being crowned last saturday, 18/09, and with the new event cosmetics being given (Special Card Backs and Emotes for those who watched the event), a lot of fans started to ask themselves: Well, will we have any other World Championship cosmetics?
Riot Games, with their great experience in the gaming business, knows more than anyone the importance of celebrating an event such as the World Championship. In their primary game, League of Legends, there were not one, but four Skins for the world events that have happened since its launch in 2011.
The special Skins are always the focus of great public attention, because they are rare, available for a limited time in the game's store and have specific criteria for the champion choice in each Skin.
With Legends of Runeterra, it wasn't different. Now that the event is over, we have a few possible predictions and clues about a future "Victorious Line" inside the game.
For those who watched the event in the official Riot Games live broadcasts, the reward was an exclusive Card Back and Emote. However, we already know that this company isn't stingy with its event celebrations, and we can possibly expect that new cosmetics that celebrate this event will be launched soon. The first big clue that we have in the game as of right now is the labelling of the collection in the exclusive Card Back given:

Unlike the Emote, which has no label, both the Card Back given during the World Championship broadcasts and the Card Back given through the store for free a couple of weeks back, are part of the "Victorious Collection", according to the game itself. This name, for those who have played League of Legends, brings back distant memories of Skins from the same line. Players who achieve a certain ranking in the game get the Skin for free for the champion of the season, as for instance - Victorious Lucian, launched in 2020.

So, we might have a little bit of hope that there will be a cosmetic line focused on the LoR competitive events - notoriously in the Legends of Runeterra World Championship.
In their sibling game, League of Legends, there are five big Skin lines that celebrate end of seasons and competitive events: Victorious, Championship, Conqueror/Challenger and the Skin line from the World Championship Winner. We will only talk about the relevant ones, which are Victorious, Championship, and the Winner Skin line.
Let's start with the line that has already appeared in Legends of Runeterra: Victorious.
This Skin category, in League of Legends, is the Skin given to players that achieve a certain ranking in the season - gold, as is the case. The champion choice usually is the most used champion in the ranked queue for that season. However, as the seasons in Legends of Runeterra work differently, I don't think it would be very likely to see a similar system in Runeterra, because that would imply multiple Skins a year being given for free.
As of now, in Legends of Runeterra, the only cosmetics that are given for free are: Card Backs, Emotes and Icons. The ranked seasons last for about two months, and because of that, it wouldn't be likely to see "expensive" cosmetics, of superior calibre and rarity being developed and given with such speed and good will. Besides, Legends of Runeterra has established that for now the ranked cosmetic rewards at the end of seasons are Icons, not champion Skins.
Therefore, the ideal would be a reinvention of this line. My bet is that we might see Victorious Skins not in each season - but at each WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. As it would be once a year, it would be ideal for the most comfortable time window for the company. Like so, what I imagine is that the idea, actually, would be to have the Championship line choice criteria, but with the Victorious name. In the Championship Skin line from League of Legends, the company looks to the most highlighted champion in the competitive scene, specially in the World Championship, and the Skin is made for that champion.
If we were to apply this to the World Championship from last saturday, 18/09, the chosen champion would be, without a question, Draven. In the group phase from the days September 16th and 17th, this champion was present in 87,5% of the lineups. On Saturday's Top 8, the champion was present in 100% of the lineups. If there is a champion that fits this Skin criteria for the competitive scene, it's Draven.

Besides the competitive scene focused line, there is one more line that might come to Legends of Runeterra, using the concept created in League of Legends. The winners of the LoL World Championship can chose one champion each to receive a thematic team Skin. In the first championship, the team FNATIC won, creating like so the FNATIC 2011 Skin line.
As Legends of Runeterra is a single-player game, we'd have to take in consideration this year's winner, Alanzq. Notoriously, in the community, we know because of his live streams that Alanzq's favorite champion is Karma. We'd only have to find out if the player will choose her as the winner for the Skin, in case Riot Games decides to launch this system in Legends of Runeterra.

These two lines would be completely plausible, in my opinion, to come to Legends of Runeterra, and would probably have the same price of the existing game Skins. They would possibly be available for a limited time too.
And these were my bets for a future Skin line focused on the Legends of Runeterra World Championship! And you? Which champion would you chose for this future "Victorious Collection"?
This was another article by me, Joey. I'll see you next time!
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