Legends of Runeterra
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In this article, you'll find tips and strategies to help you face challenges and get incredible rewa...
tpoc lor beginning beginners
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll discuss the top 6 worst champions in Legends of Runeterra after rotation. You...
opinion top 6 ranked
After a discovery made on Reddit earlier this week, Legends of Runeterra reportedly and allegedly ha...
news lor path of champions player count
Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer
Glory in Navori brings three new champions: Sett, Samira and the new exclusive champion, Jack. All a...
lor set first impressions
Through a client leak, three new champions were just announced to come for Legends of Runeterra's ne...
news champions expansion
Yasuo, Gwen and Jinx have already gotten Path of the Champions powers in PvP, but other champions mi...
theory lor poc
Tony Lucas
This article gathers all the information we have about this possible new exclusive LoR champion!
Leaks Theories Champions
This article will help you with TPoC: it is a very fun mode, but some decisions can affect your expe...
TPoc Tips Beginners Resources
The Darkin Saga will have its final chapter in December and it will bring 3 new champions. Do you wa...
champions exclusive speculation
Rotation is coming to LoR in 2022 and it will bring big changes to the game, but what are the champi...
opinion rotation champions
In this article you will see a bit about which are the 32 LoR champion which still don't have skins ...
guesses skins
In this article I will talk a bit about how Vayne was revealed and tell a bit about her story and me...
expansion reveal Vayne
Know that champion that you barely see in a deck, but their spell is everywhere in meta decks? Yeah...
ranking curiosities champions
The last Awakening champions are here: Jax and Ornn, to finish up the first equipment expansions ful...
expansion awakening first impressions
With the arrival of LoR's first exclusive champion, a sea of possibilities has opened up. In this ar...
champions theories launches
I've gathered all known signs and information about the possible upcoming LoR champions!
speculations theories
After getting to know the most nerfed champions, it is time to find out who are the balancing team's...
Buffs Curiosities Ranking
It's time to kill your curiosity and find out which champions the Balancing Team doesn't forgive whe...
nerfs curiosities ranking