We all know Runeterra is a game recommended for most ages, including youngsters. So, developers are challenged daily when it's time to create cards that feature more mature themes, such as death. Some Runeterra cards inevitably had to feature some dead bodies in their artwork. Today, we'll see some of these cards.
We aren't considering spirits and apparitions, considering these are abundant in the game. Let's just count the dead human bodies.
Mask Mother


In this artwork, we can see Mask Mother placing a pig mask on a dead man's face, transforming his spirit into a little piglet. This card's description states that it was Mask Mother, indeed, who created Kindred, and all death incarnations, but no one knows who created them.
This card's effect states: "Slay an ally to grant me its stats and keywords", which means that, probably, in this artwork, Mask Mother has killed this man, and is collecting his soul to get stronger.
Soul Shepherd

In this artwork, we can see Soul Shepherd going through a battlefield full of dead soldier bodies, collecting and shepherding their souls.
This card's description states that only the dead can see Soul Shepherd has a legion of souls following her, which leads us to believe that, actually, souls are invisible in Runeterra's Universe, even though we have some illustrations that state otherwise.

In this artwork, we have a Doombeast draining the little bit of soul left in a traveler who was disturbing that place. We have several Shadow Isles cards that show travelers very heavily armed with explosives being disturbed by ghosts and other beings from that place.
In this case, it seems like Doombeast's victim was setting up one of these explosives when he was attacked.

This follower is a Spider, even though they don't seem like one. In their illustration, the only thing related to Spiders is that they are spinning a web. In it, we can see Soulspinner removing the soul from a body that is laying down, wrapped in a web, revealing that this victim's soul has the shape of a little mouse.
Astral Fox

In this artwork, we can see Astral Fox lulling the soul of a man who has recently died. Even though they seem like a good guy, this card's description shows us that Astral Fox, actually, has darker purposes.
They guide souls to the sky to create their own dark constellation.
Neverglade Collector

In Neverglade Collector's artwork, we can see them "collecting" the soul of a man who was just killed in the river. In this card's description, we have a brief excerpt from a journal, praising the beautiful song sung by the Collector, and we also have the passing thought that this card's author should one day invite them to supper.
It is likely the one wrote this letter is the dead man in this image, and the Collector was just being nice to him to make him a victim later on and collect his soul.

In this artwork, we can see Soulgorger @@@@ the souls from three demacian soldiers, who are dead. In its description, we have a note written by Arie Wrence, a demacian soldier - he asks himself if these Shadow Isles creatures were born there, or if they were once living beings.
Soulgorger has Lifesteal, referencing the fact that, when this follower Strikes, it steals the soul from its target, healing itself in the process.
Spectral Matron

Spectral Matron appears to be a mother who died, while pregnant, in Shadow Isles, so her and her children became malignant specters that roam the place. In this artwork, we can see the body of a demacian soldier who was probably attacked by Matron and her children.
Her description states that, in Shadow Isles, everyone who was once kind is now cruel, and everyone who was once brave is now violent. This makes us believe Matron was once a kind being, and is now cruel, and her children were once brave, but they are now violent.
Rhasa the Sunderer

In this artwork, we can see Rhasa the Sunderer using his weapon, and, with a single strike, lifting several demacian soldiers in the air, killing them in the process. In this card's description, we once again have a text from Arie Wrence, stating that a journey of glory and salvation for Demacia was promised to him, but, when they got there, they only found death and despair.

In this artwork, we can see Scuttlegeist roaming through a battlefield, collecting the dead demacian soldier bodies in its path. In its description, it is said that Scuttlegeist was once a monster that destroyed a forgotten kingdom, but today it just roams battlefields scavenging soldiers' armors to add to its shell, and souls to add to its core.
Final Words

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