Norra has finally made her triumphant return to Standard this season, and has become one of the main Bandle City representatives in the format.
Because she is one of the most versatile cards in the entire game, she fits many strategies. Let's see what are the most popular decks with her on the ranked queue!
Mordekaiser Norra Kindred - Control Shadow Isles
This is one of the most consistent strategies in the entire game right now, with one of the highest win rates - 62%.
It is also extremely popular and familiar to many players by now, as it was one of the most popular decks last season both in tournaments and the ranked queue. Before, this deck didn't play Norra, but her addition definitely made a difference without significantly altering its main strategy.
Norra fits this game style really well because she is Elusive and grows fast if your opponent doesn't remove her straight away.
Many meta decks don't play Elusive blockers, and only control strategies can deal with her efficiently.
She's also a great target for removals, like Soul Harvest and Quietus. Since these two spells are slow, your opponent will have to take some time to remove her, but you'll have time to answer with Glimpse Beyond and other fast removals.
Against decks that don't interact with your board, Norra is simply unstoppable and can win the game by herself. Just a few attacks will create a lot of value with Portals, which will summon blockers and random units that can be extremely useful.
Heimerdinger Norra - Eclectic Collection Tokens
This is one of the most fun, as well as one of the most powerful, decks in the entire game right now. Recently, we mentioned this list in another article: we think it is a great option if you're tired of facing the main control decks in the format over and over again.
Norra Heimerdinger is great against Shadow Isles or any other slow strategy because it summons units constantly with Norra's Portals and Heimerdinger's Turrets. Control decks simply can't remove all your units, and, eventually, they run out of resources to deal with your board.
As this list plays Ionia, it also has great answers against Midrange strategies, so it is one of the most versatile strategies in the meta right now. However, one of its weaknesses is that, occasionally, the units you summon might not be that impactful, and may even make the match a bit harder.
To win, you just need to fill your board with units and play Eclectic Collection. Your opponent will take damage every turn because of the Puffcaps you'll shuffle in their deck, and you'll also keep summoning even more units. Eventually, they'll run out of resources to clear your board, and you'll be able to attack and kill them.
Norra Trundle - Transform
This is also one of the most popular archetypes nowadays, both because it is efficient and because it is fun.
Norra Transform lists have evolved in the past couple of years, and, this season, they're stronger than ever because of Trundle and his Pillar.
This deck centers around The Wingsgiving, which often turns Trundle's Ice Pillar into a gigantic unit practically for no cost at all. Another interesting interaction involving The Wingsgiving is with Rissu, the Silent Storm, as you can Transform it into a better unit and still summon Stormcloud.
Otherwise, this list is just the best cards from Freljord and Bandle City, which make it a bit more "tempo" than other archetypes.
Every match with this list is different, and, most times, you'll have to make do with the weird cards you create and the random units you summon on your board. As such, it is a bit difficult to pilot, but, if you practice with it and eventually get a good grasp on it, it becomes one of the best competitive options in the entire meta!
Norra Braum - Warden of the Tribes
Warden of the Tribes is still in Standard, unlike Neeko, who rotated out. Now, it sees play with Norra and Braum at a slower pace that is still quite efficient mid to late game.
The plan is to play as many units with subtypes as you can and fill the board with them. This way, you'll buff your Warden of the Tribes and make its buff even more powerful.
To do that, you'll have Norra's Portals and many familiar units, like Yadulski Snowdog and Omen Hawk.
Though accessible and easy to play, this list struggles against control decks. And yet, it is still a great option if you have just begun playing LoR or if you just want to have fun in the ranked queue.
Bandle City Yasuo - Jhin Norra Rex
This archetype was very popular competitively in 2023, when it was one of the most relevant lists in the game. Currently, it is a bit unpopular in competitive settings because it is extremely difficult to pilot and because it relies a lot on RNG. Actually, it is one of the most inconsistent slow midrange lists around.
Nonetheless, it is still one of the most satisfying decks to play in the entire meta.
The main game plan is to play Riptide Rex with Jhin in play, all while you create Portals with Norra and control your opponent.
This combo usually clears the enemy board or deals a lot of damage to their Nexus. Occasionally, it will even be enough to end the game on the spot.
It can also whip out different win conditions for you randomly as you play. For instance, you can use Norra's Portals, discard random cards from your opponent's hand with Aloof Travelers and Early Bird, or find a way with the random cards Conchologist creates.
As such, it can be quite frustrating to your opponent, particularly if they're playing control. This isn't the strongest list in the entire meta, but is an excellent option for the ranked queue - if you're willing to deal with variance and RNG.
Final Words

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