The Eternal ranked season started a while ago, and the entire format is a mess, dominated by a vast variety of decks. The meta is quite diverse right now.
So, we decided to bring you 5 Eternal lists to climb ranks as fast as possible. These decks are aggressive, easy to pilot, and will make your climb to Masters incredibly easy.
Nothing is better than getting to Masters as early as possible, right? So you can play those… unusual Masters decks. Let's see these lists!
Annie Jhin
The Annie Jhin archetype is one of the most popular, strong, and consistent archetypes in Eternal. Historically, this list has always been competitive because it is extremely strong against most Midrange decks (mostly because of its Stuns), and it is also great against other aggressive decks.
This deck is also strong against any archetype that doesn't interact with the board, or those rising decks that only a few people play. You'll heavily punish players who are testing out new things on the ranked queue, for instance. And, the more you get to masters, the more unusual will be the lists you face, so your chances of winning with this list will drastically increase as you climb.
It is also extremely easy to pilot: Stun enemy units on your offensive turns to remove blockers, and try, as much as you can, to play on curve on the first few turns. That's how you'll consistently deal damage to the enemy Nexus turn after turn.
At the end of the game, finish the match by dealing damage directly with your spells, or set up a turn in which you'll prevent all enemy units from blocking and then attack with a full board.
Classic Jinx Discard
This is most veterans' favorite list to play if they want to reach Masters in one or two days. In terms of speed, this is also the fastest Eternal list around; you can close out games as early as turn 3 or 4 if you have a perfect starting hand and if the matchup in question lets you play aggressively early on.
The discard archetype is powerful because it has a lot of reach against the enemy Nexus - you can entirely ignore enemy followers and just focus on dealing damage directly in most situations. Only decks with lots of heals can stop your strategy, or another equally fast list. In general, the strength of this archetype comes from how consistent it is against most Eternal decks. There are very few matchups in which this list is not favored to win, or it doesn't have at least around 50% win rate.
The only issue is that eventually the Eternal meta will drastically adapt to beat it (as it is so popular). All of a sudden, in just one or two weeks, most decks on the ranked queue will be Targon or Shadow Isles control lists that are ready to deal with your strategy.
Pirates - The Aggro Deck That Beats Other Aggro Decks
The best aggressive option against other aggressive decks will always be Pirates. Because its units are both defensive and aggressive, you'll always be ahead when you face other aggressive decks that play smaller units.
Even though this is a slow aggro deck, its plays are always impactful and powerful, so any other aggro decks can't really fight for the board - your units will simply always be bigger than theirs. This means your opponent will need 2 or more units to kill a single one of your units.
However, Pirates are much worse against defensive control or Midrange lists with heals. As it is slower than other aggro decks, it gives these opponents many windows and lets them spend their mana safely in some turns. This can be enough for them to retake control of the match.
Pirates also struggles with card draw because it loses gas relatively fast in comparison to other aggressive decks. This makes control matchups even harder.
However, as the entire ranked queue is playing aggro decks right now, it is one of the best decks in the format. It is simply great against fast lists.
Daybreak Aggressive Midrange
If you enjoy Midrange lists, Leona Noxus is one of the best aggressive options right now because it is also great against aggressive decks.
As most followers in aggro decks have around 2 to 3 life, Daybreak units can easily kill them when they're attacking. They're bigger and usually survive these combats.
This deck plays like a slow Midrange deck that focuses on dominating the board and making sure your units are always bigger than your opponents. It is practically Pirates, but without burn - you'll win the game by attacking with your strong units, and nothing else.
It also has the best turn progression in the entire game right now. This means that it is the best when the matter is executing strong plays turn after turn. On turn 1, you'll play a strong unit, then again on turn 2, and on turn 3, and do the same all the way until turn 6. This will be enough to gain an advantage over the board against most decks in the game. They will hardly be able to compete with the value your units create on the board from the first turn to the last turn in the game.
The fact this archetype was once the main character of many official tournaments makes a lot of sense. It was actually one of the strongest competitive lists in the entire game in mid-2023.
Azir Irelia
Hate it or love it, we all need to agree that this is one of the best decks to climb ranks fast.
This archetype has taken on multiple forms, but, since last year, it hasn't changed much, and is now considered a closed archetype. In fact, it hasn't changed at all since The Emperor's Army came along.
Even though it is relatively easy to pilot, it is also the hardest deck in this list. If you're not used to its main strategy, remember: this is a combo list, so it's not necessarily aggro. This means you should save most of your mana on the first few turns to set up strong plays later on and surprise your opponent.
Occasionally, you'll need mana to protect your units from removals, or to get 100% out of your cards. You'll need to play them with other cards, and that all requires a bit more mana.
So, if you pick Azir Irelia to climb ranks in the Eternal queue, don't forget to be patient on the first few turns so you can dominate the mid and late game.
Final Words

If you read this far, thank you! I hope you had fun and enjoyed reading this article.
Which list will you pick to climb ranks? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below.
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See you next time!
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