Legends of Runeterra

Card Highlight

Top 5 Worst Cards from Dreamlit Paths + Decklists!

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In this article, we'll discuss the 5 cards from Dreamlit Paths that have the worst win rates in the Standard ranked queue. I'll briefly show you why their numbers are so low, and also give you a list with each of them.

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translated by Joey

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revised by Tabata Marques

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Today, we'll talk about the cards from Dreamlit Paths with the worst win rates.

We've already discussed the cards from Dreamlit Paths with the best win rates in this articlelink outside website. Feel free to check it out too!

For this article, we used the online data from the last 7 days, up to the day this article was written. Without further ado, let's see these cards!

5 - Kharox

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This unit is one of the weirdest units from Dreamlit Paths.


Kharox seems strong on paper, but, in practice, as I commented when I reviewed the new cardslink outside website, the greatest issue this card has is that it overfills the board, and that is a problem for Mordekaiser decks. You may run out of board space if you play it, and that will really get in the way of your main strategy.

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Not to mention, it is a 6-mana unit that doesn't have any keywords. When we compare it to other meta cards that cost the same, Kharox is quite mediocre.

Despite all of this, it has a relatively acceptable win rate if you play him on turn 6 with the attack token. That's because it is a really slow card and will certainly slow down your game rhythm if you play him on turn 6 and need to block your opponent at the same time, for instance.

The list below is the best I could find with Kharox. This is an Illaoi Mordekaiser deck, which is an odd pairing. Together, they created a Midrange archetype that leans towards combo; it is quite interesting and might be fun for the ranked queue.

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4 - Ophelis Gardener

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This was a very promising unit for Lillia archetypes. But, as her decks didn't turn out as strong or as popular as we hoped, naturally, her cards aren't that great on the ranked queue either.

Ophelis Gardener is a bit too situational - you usually only play one copy of her in your decks. This really affects her win rates, considering she is not that popular and, when you do play her, it's often when the game has become too complicated and you need a solution.

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Even though she has strong defensive stats, she is a bit too situational and only really works if you curve out perfectly and combo with other cards. We mentioned all of this before Dreamlit Paths came out. As we can see now, if you attack on odds, her win rate drops even further because you can't play Ophelis Gardener on turn 3 and also attack, for instance.

The following list is the most popular deck with Ophelis Gardener, and, as a result, also has the best win rate among all decks that play her:

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3 - Sprite Mother

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It is shocking to see this card on this list. This was a very promising card: we thought it would enable insane value combos, and would, alone, be the main win condition in many decks. It was so promising it was one of the most popular cards in the first week of the new expansion, and many players lost to Lillia decks that had this unit.

The meta, however, evolved, and we realized Sprite Mother decks struggle to deal with lists that interact with the board, such as Shyvana Dragons with Horned Swarmcaller. They practically kill all Spritelings just by silencing them.


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After we learned that, we stopped playing Sprite Mother in the ranked queue, and the few decks that still played this card don't have a great win rate. Here's the most popular Sprite Mother list, but beware: as the next decks we'll see, it isn't strong and needs urgent changes to work properly competitively.

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2 - Dragonsong Dreamer

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Targon is in a weird place in the meta. There are strong decks with Targon in the meta, but they're too volatile because they're strong against very specific decks. This means the meta is a bit too polarized for this region.

This also means Dragonsong Dreamer will struggle to find her place in the meta - besides all of this, it is a situational card and part of an archetype that is also quite situational. It only makes a significant difference in a few meta matchups.

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Not to mention, the Evoke archetype isn't that popular among players, and most players haven't explored this archetype that well yet. Midrange decks are dominating the ranked queue, and these decks are a bit too fast for these slow Celestial lists.

The best Dragonsong Dreamer deck, the one with the best win rate, is this Jayce list that has countless removals and heals.

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1 - Brynhir Thundersong

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In our first place, we have Brynhir Thundersong, which was created by the community and added now, in the Dreamlit Paths expansion.

It is quite sad to see that this card, in specific, has the lowest win rate among all new cards. This means what we, as a community, thought we wanted in the game hasn't adapted well to what Riot created for LoR in this expansion.

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This card has an incredibly complex effect, and it is hard to make it work in your matches. Basically, this effect needs a very specific set up, but it isn't that powerful, considering the entire meta can handle landmarks really well.

Another factor is that Brynhir obliterates a card in your hand to play it as a landmark, which means, if you lose that landmark, you'll lose that card forever.

It was challenging to find a list with Brynhir, but here goes: Lissandra Taliyah, with Brynhir, focusing on Dune Swallower as your main win condition.

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Final Words

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