Introduction - About Showing Up in other Cards

When you're playing LoR and your opponent starts taking too long to play, definitely there isn't a person on this planet that can resist opening the cards' full art, just to appreciate them. And by doing so, you must have realized some characters make surprise appearances in other cards.
Many veterans may think the card that most does these appearances is Cithria of Cloudfield, but that isn't true. So, I was very curious to find out which character from the Runeterra universe most shows up in other cards in the whole game, and I was surprised by the result. The first place will leave you stunned!
Fifth Place - 9 cards
Hungry Owl Cat
Yeah, to open up our list we have the token who has broken more metas than I can count, Hungry Owlcat.
It was to be expected that, with so many cards that summon or create these magical monsters, they would show up a lot, but what I didn't expect was that they would be so many.
As it happens, Hungry Owlcats are always wrecking havoc across Bandle City, almost as if they were a plague in this region. And, as everything in Bandle City, is always full of energy and chaos, these purple gremlins are always creating trouble as well. So, in most arts they appear destroying something, or running a lot, or just annoying everyone. Owlcats, as it seems, are part of Poppy's support kit, because in some of this champion's followers, or even her own card, arts, Owlcats appear.

Hungry Owlcats, as the name already tells us, are hungry, and they have quite an explosive diet. In more than one card they are eating Blast Cones, and as everyone that plays League knows, Blast Cones explode.
The funny part is that the Owlcats don't seem to mind it, and go after Blast Cones anyway, giving us incredible scenes like in their own card, in which it's possible to see an Owlcat blasting fire out its mouth after eating one of the explosive fruits.
Fourth Place - 11 cards
In fourth place we have a tie, and I'm sure you didn't expect this one.
Below are all cards that Ahri shows up.

The nine-tailed fox, when she was released, toured Ionia and found all the followers who are part of her support kit.
The cards in which Ahri shows up tell the story of this champion. She seems to be on a spiritual journey through the woods of Ionia, seeking self-knowledge and wisdom.
Each follower she finds seems to be an avatar or a forest knowledge herald. So, Ahri asks each of them a question, but the answers only create even more questions, or they don't answer her. At the end of her journey, she finds herself still very doubtful, which leads us to believe a lot needs to happen for this champion to reach her answers. The ideal would be the Ahri player to seek this spiritual nirvana playing with the champion, helping her in her journey, I guess? I don't know, but I know the cards' artwork is beautiful, that is for sure.
The hardest card to find Ahri in, definitely, is the Liminal Guardian's artwork, because this follower is a token which can only be created using the card Nine Lives.

Ava Achiever
Below are all the cards that have Ava Achiever in them.

Ava Achiever is on an epic journey through Bandle City with Teemo and his scout recruits.
Teemo seems to be lecturing her on how to be a Bandle City scout, and Ava Achiever seems to be the student who is most... Achieving. Yordles travel to all sorts of places and face many dangers, from shroom trap bombs to hungry grass monsters. This yordle, throughout her history, gets her clothes gradually dirtier and dirtier due to the explosions and escapes that happen in her artwork.
This entire package of cards is a mix of some archetypes, such as the traps and shrooms archetypes, alongside the yordle swarm archetype, and Aloof Travelers, which is the most independent card from all Bandle City archetypes.
Ava doesn't interact much with the dialogue in the flavor texts with the followers she meets in those arts. But she has some of her very own lines, as if she is registering the moments lived in these arts in a diary.
The best appearance of Ava Achiever is for sure in the Yordle Newbie card, in which both yordles are being attacked by a grass monster, and Ava is doing a very funny face.

Third Place - 13 cards
Many people think Conchologist is the most represented card in the entire game. Really, this yordle shows up in many places, and even is the face of one of Bandle City's most hated cards, Prank.
It's with a difference of but a few cards that Conchologist doesn't tie with second place, and it is almost unbelievable that there are characters who show up in more arts than he does. There is a story being told through the spells and followers in which Conchologist shows up.
For those who don't know, Conchologist is someone who studies shells, and our yordle, through the arts, does that and more. Actually, he seems obsessed with taking care and studying marine life. This yordle seems extremely clumsy and proficient in putting himself in danger. In his art, there is always a fun and comic tone, as if he was a supporting character in a comedy show, who steals the spotlight a lot, like Scrat in Ice Age.
Conchologist has many lines and interactions in the game's flavor texts. He seems to be registering everything that happens in a diary.
My favorite appearance of this character is in the card Grumbleslug, because if you open this card's full art, you're faced with a gigantic close up of Conchologist's face, and that's when you realize Grumbleslug is, actually, miniscule.

Second Place - 14 cards
Below we have all the cards in which Azir shows up.

The cards on which this Emperor of the Sands shows up don't tell a story, unlike Ahri's followers and Ava Achiever's followers. But they show us all the steps that Azir took to rebuild his Empire.
According to the game's Lore, Azir just returned to Shurima, and all his appearances in cards show him orchestrating the ascension of the Sun Disc, or promoting himself politically, or ordering his Sand Soldiers. Azir has always been a very versatile champion in Runeterra, gameplay-wise. Many archetypes can be played using him, and that is quite clear considering the amount of different archetypes that are represented in the cards in which he appears.
We have the Sun Disc archetype and the Emperor's deck, with the Mono Shurima list being represented by the cards Buried Sun Disc and Ascended's Call. We also have many cards in which he pairs with his Sand Soldiers, like Emperor's Dais and General's Palace.
As Azir is the most important character in all of Shurima's story, it would be expected to see him show up in many cards of this region. My favorite cameo of this champion is in the Restored Sun Disc card, because I found out he was present in this card while writing this article, and I had to change the whole script based on that.

Honorable Mention
Before presenting the first place, I'd like to give an honorable mention to the cute little Bandle City Library mice. They show up on 9 cards in the game.

But, as only a few of them repeat themselves, and others are visibly quite different from others, I decided not to count them as a character. Even still, they show up here in this list because they are characters that show up a lot in the game.
First Place - 16 cards
Sand Soldier
Below are all cards in which Sand Soldier appears.

Phew, those are a lot of cards, isn't that right? It was to be expected that Sand Soldier would be in first place, considering Azir is second, and both are very synergistic with each other.
As it happens, Sand Soldiers show up more than Azir, because there are other characters in the game's Lore besides the Emperor of the Sands that control the Sand Soldiers. And in all of those cards in which we have followers that have these types of powers, the soldiers are present in their art.
I was surprised by the number of spells in which these characters show up. Because they aren't that strong, we rarely see them being played. And that's why sometimes it goes by unnoticed that Sand Soldier is the most represented character from Runeterra's universe inside LoR.
Another factor that helps these numbers grow considerably is the Emperor's deck, which of its 9 possible cards, 3 have Sand Soldiers in them. And even though the Mono Shurima archetype is quite popular, these cards are still very rare to see on the board, and we almost don't see them. That's why most players think Conchologist is the character that most shows up in other cards, because the cards in which this yordle shows up, in general, are played more.

One thing that caught me off guard is that Sand Soldiers, in my opinion, have the most unexpected cameo of all time in a card. In Shard of Violence, that is, the last place you'd expect to see a Sand Soldier!
Final Words
That's it, now you know which character from the Runeterra universe most shows up in LoR cards.
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