Legends of Runeterra

Deck Guide

Legends of Runeterra - How to Beat Fearsomes in the Ranked Queue!

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In this article, we'll show you the best decks to beat Fearsome archetypes. These aggressive Shadow Isles lists are dominating the Standard ranked queue - so, if you don't want to join them, let's beat them!

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جدول المحتويات

  1. > Introduction
  2. > Championless Overwhelm
  3. > Heimerdinger Viktor - Elusive Viktor
  4. > Full Control Senna
  5. > Lux Jayce
  6. > Darkins
  7. > Final Words


Fearsome decks are wrecking havoc on the ranked queue. So, today, I'll show you the best decks to beat this archetype!

Nocturne Fearsomes is one of the most popular, versatile, and powerful decks in the entire game right now. 1 in every 3 decks you face on the ranked queue is a Fearsome list - that's how popular they are!

Let's see what are the best strategies to play against them!

Championless Overwhelm

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Currently, one of the best anti-aggro strategies is this aggressive Overwhelm deck that doesn't play any champions. This list is incredible against Fearsomes because Fearsome units don't have a lot of life, so they're terrible blockers for Overwhelm units.


With this deck, you'll turn the game into a race: whoever deals more damage to the Nexus, and whoever does it faster, wins. Another advantage is that you can block Fearsome units rather easily because your units often have more than 3 attack. Meanwhile, your opponent will struggle with your Overwhelm units and will be forced to sacrifice some of their units just to survive.

This list also plays Scarmaiden Reaver, which has Regeneration and, as such, is a great blocker. She has becoming more popular in the last few weeks because she's great against aggressive decks, as she can block enemy units multiple times. In addition, she is also a threat in offensive turns because of her Overwhelm.

Heimerdinger Viktor - Elusive Viktor

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This Heimerdinger Viktor list is centered around concentrating all your resources on Viktor and turning him into your main win condition. The main game plan is to give him Elusive with Scavenged Camocloaker so you can attack the enemy Nexus directly without any issues. This way, you'll put a lot of pressure on your opponent because they'll only have a few turns to answer him before you win the match.

Add all of this to the fact that all your removals and control spells are great against Shadow Isles, and you'll quickly realize that this is one of the best lists in the meta to beat Fearsomes.

Though it doesn't play many blockers, it does include enough tools to deal with them mid-game onwards. And you'll always win the game if you get to the late game.

To do that, you must always keep Mystic Shot and Viktor in your opening hand. You'll take a bit of damage early on, but, after you heal, you'll easily be able to control your opponent.

Full Control Senna

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This is the most efficient deck against Fearsome lists. It was designed to counter them directly.

The main game plan is to exhaust all your opponent's win conditions, and always play a removal or a spell to disable their plays.

One of these removals is Passage Unearned, which Obliterates all the units your opponent brings back with The Harrowing.

This deck heals a lot, and plays nearly all Shadow Isles removals, besides Sunken Temple, which, if used well, can win the game on its own. It will create a lot of value for you as the game goes on.

To finish, you'll summon Commander Ledros and re-summon him whenever you can, as well as attack with him too. Eventually, you'll deal enough damage to the enemy Nexus to win the match. However, in most matches your opponent will concede after you play a mass removal, like Eradication or Rocket Barrage.

Lux Jayce

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One of the most classic strategies to beat aggro decks is Lux Jayce.

In terms of combat, there is no better region than Demacia, and Demacian units don't struggle against Fearsome units because most of them have more than 3 attack. Even if they don't, you can buff them with cards like Form Up! to block those pesky Fearsome units.


The best card in this list to beat Fearsomes is Assembly Line: with this spell, you'll summon two 3/3 units, and this will effectively lock down the board. Your opponent won't have many options besides trying to push an attack through, and this will eventually force them to lose key units in the process.

This way, by blocking your opponent's units, you'll gain advantage over the board, and eventually level up your champions. Your opponents will be left with only a few units, and no cards in their hand.

In addition, all your removals hit their Fearsome units perfectly. This deck is simply incredible against aggressive lists.


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Finally, we have another strategy that is known for being one of the best anti-aggro decks in the game: Darkins, which has just returned to Standard.

This deck heals the most out of all Midrange lists, and might be one of the best Midrange lists to play against any sort of aggressive strategy.

Everything you do is a nightmare for aggro players - your units block Fearsomes and both of your champions heal your Nexus. You also play a gigantic arsenal of removals and combat tricks that heal your Nexus too.

You can also Frostbite your opponent's biggest units, and, if they aren't careful, they can simply take an Utter Devastation and lose all their units.

As this is a Darkins deck, you won't run out of gas at the end of the match, considering you can recycle your Darkins constantly and summon them at the end of the game. Eventually, you'll simply win with a board full of gigantic units.

However, your opponent will often concede after your Aatrox Strikes their entire board and heals your Nexus completely.

Final Words

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