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Wishlist: Cards that Absolutely need to be changed in Patch 4.4.0

Wishlist: Cards that Absolutely need to be changed in Patch 4.4.0

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, I'll discuss my wishlist for Patch 4.4.0 which will be up on 26/04. I'll comment on...

opinion patch balance

LoR Meta Analysis - Patch 4.3.0 Post Rotation

LoR Meta Analysis - Patch 4.3.0 Post Rotation

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll discuss the actual state of the first few days of Legends of Runeterra's Patc...

meta analysis lor samira

New Cards: 10 New Decks to play in Legends of Runeterra's Patch 4.2.0

New Cards: 10 New Decks to play in Legends of Runeterra's Patch 4.2.0

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

Are you lost with the new cards? Let me help you! In this article, I've collected 10 lists for you t...

guide news

LoR: Patch 4.2.0 Complete Analysis - New Cards and Nerfed Atrocity

LoR: Patch 4.2.0 Complete Analysis - New Cards and Nerfed Atrocity

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll analyze together Patch 4.2.0 and understand how the new changes affect the me...

Analysis opinion

LoR Patch 4.2: Variety set brings 10 new cards and surprise nerfs & buffs!

LoR Patch 4.2: Variety set brings 10 new cards and surprise nerfs & buffs!


Patch 4.2 brings in a surprise gift for LoR players! Riven and Domination are buffed and there are 1...

news variety new cards patch lor balance

The Winners and Losers of Legends of Runeterra's Patch 3.13 by Region!

The Winners and Losers of Legends of Runeterra's Patch 3.13 by Region!


In this article, I'll gauge the changes according to the regions that were most affected and, throug...

patch breakdown competitive meta lor

5 decks to play in the first few days of Patch 3.13

5 decks to play in the first few days of Patch 3.13

Tony Lucas

The new balance update brought quite relevant changes that are set to shake up LoR's meta. Check out...

meta decks update

The impact of Patch 3.10 - The most incredible and gamechanging patch in LoR

The impact of Patch 3.10 - The most incredible and gamechanging patch in LoR

Capitão Serket

A lot of things happened, and Runeterra will change to the tune of this new Patch. A lot of new deck...

Patch 3.10 Skins Legends of Runeterra

Riot nerfs cards to rebalance predominant decks in Legends of Runeterra

Riot nerfs cards to rebalance predominant decks in Legends of Runeterra


The patch, which will go live on Wednesday, brings nerfs to cards commonly used in decks like Azir/I...

news nerf patch lor

Highlights from what we got in patch 1.1

Highlights from what we got in patch 1.1


The update of last Tuesday (12/05), although simple, brought important details that deserve to be me...


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