Today, we'll discuss 5 different ways to play Norra!
Ever since she was released, Norra has been one of the most versatile champions in the entire game. You can play her in aggressive and slow lists, and also as a support or main champion.
Let's see the 5 ways to play Norra on the Standard ranked queue nowadays.
Norra Elder Dragon Vex - The Most Popular Archetype
This deck is the most popular and accepted way to play Norra on the ranked queue nowadays. It is a relatively old archetype because it is one of the first Elder Dragon lists that ever existed. It slowly evolved as the weeks went on after Elder Dragon came out.
This deck's main goal is to control the game with cheap removal you only find in Bandle City nowadays. This is the only region with "pings" in Standard, and also the only control Bandle City list around.
Norra's portals have been in and out of this archetype millions of times, so it's clear that it works well with them or not. The version I brought doesn't have that many portals, and Norra is an extremely supportive champion in it. Her only objective is to put 1 or 2 portals in your deck throughout the match so you have extra blockers on the board.
This version also has an endgame package that is a bit different from usual because it doesn't include Horned Swarmcaller as a main unit, and only has two copies of Enraged Firespitter. Another difference is Erastin, the Disgraced and Atakhan, Bringer of Ruin, which are your finishers.

This combination of finishers became popular in Elder Dragon decks, but only became a reality in this Norra archetype because this deck takes the game to very late turns, when you can play these units without any issues.
Mordekaiser Norra - Rissu Printer
Mordekaiser Norra showed up as the best deck for a competitive lineup if you're already playing an Elder Dragon list and don't want to take out Elder from your Dragons deck. But you still want a deck similar to Elder Dragon Norra.
This is basically a more modern version of the Bandle City control archetype mixed up with a Mordekaiser Printer archetype, which abuses his mechanic to revive units as often as you can. You'll basically revive Rissu, the Silent Storm multiple times to summon Stormcloud multiple times.
Summoning the same unit multiple times levels up Norra faster. Actually, she levels up quite easily in this list, so she's one of this deck's main champions instead of just a support champion.
Shadow Isles and Bandle City are currently the two regions that most focus on controlling the enemy, and, as a result, this deck has all the tools available to control the entire game.

This deck's main win condition is, indeed, to revive and re-summon Rissu, the Silent Storm multiple times, but it's also attacking with your level 2 Mordekaiser. You'll activate its Nexus effect and drain the enemy Nexus any time you slay a unit.
However, if none of this works, you still have The Darkin Halberd, which you can summon for 10 mana as Taarosh. If you attack with it, it will revive the biggest units you slayed as attackers.
Norra Morgana Demacia - The Most Unusual Version
The first version of this list was popularized and refined by me, and was the deck I got to Masters with this season.
This deck is extremely different from everything we usually see in LoR because it has many unique elements that are unlikely to make sense together - like Morgana and Transform cards.
This strategy centers around The Wingsgiving and also Altar to Unity, which both work together as parts of this deck's combo. They improve your board because they either Transform your units or give them lots of stats.
You'll use The Wingsgiving to Transform many targets, but the most important one is Rissu, the Silent Storm. You'll Transform any of your units, including your champions. And practically all the other units in this deck get more stats from Altar to Unity.

The Wingsgiving counts as targeting something when you Transform allied units, which levels up your Morgana faster, and your Transformed units keep the stats from Altar to Unity. All of this makes this deck incredibly synergistic and difficult to pilot. You'll only get the most out of your units with your landmarks in play, and you can only control the enemy board with the Strike spells in this deck.
Norra Vi - Piltover & Zaun Transform
This is also a Transform archetype, but it is the most ambitious version of this archetype. It is a Piltover & Zaun deck with Malmutation.
This list focuses almost entirely on Chief Nakotak, and its effect, which grants +1/+1 to Transformed units. Chief Nakotak, with Malmutation, practically wins you the game when Malmutation resolves on the board. You'll have multiple Nakotaks on your board with a lot of stats and Impact.

This combo is basically the central point of this deck, besides some interactions with The Wingsgiving. The other cards in this list are either spells, followers that draw you cards, or removals to control the enemy board.
I'll only highlight Sumpworks Map because it is essential in some matches. With it, you'll grant Elusive to one of your gigantic units, which you Transformed on the board, or to your Vi, so it's another win condition in this deck.
Norra Gnar - Pure Portals
The Portal archetype has taken on many different shapes: this is the most accepted way to play Portals, or Eclectic Collection archetypes.
This version focuses on portals and Freljord's early game package (the most powerful card package in the game). You have a lot of consistency early on and won't have to wait too much to shuffle some portals in your deck.
It also has some cards like Early Bird and Pokey Stick, which make it a bit more control, even though it is a Tempo list.
Portal Scholar, Eclectic Collection, and Portalpalooza are your main cards because they'll slowly summon random units on your board. Eventually, they'll give you enough cards to put pressure on the game until your opponent draws enough Puffcaps and Flashbombs to lose their entire board and their Nexus.

At the end of the day, this deck also fits the Puffcap archetype because most matches you'll win through their burn.
Your alternative win conditions are Revna, the Lorekeeper, and Ferocious Fluffs. Revna is consistent, though expensive, and will get in your way more than help, depending on the matchup. If you're playing against faster decks, she tends to be a bit too slow for the rhythm you need to have to stop these lists.
As for Ferocious Fluffs, they effect won't always be active because you might just summon 5 other allies that don't have any subtypes. It seems a bit counterintuitive to play this card on this list, considering you can't control which units you summon. But, speaking from experience, their effect is active more times than not, and you'll hit mostly 1 or 2 units on your board if you already have 5 other allies in play, which is enough to win you the game.
Keep in mind this is a tempo deck, so not always making the most valuable play available is best when you play this type of list.
Final Words

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