Top 10 Lists for the First Day of the Expansion Fates Voyage: Onward


As usual, whenever a new expansion releases, many new players get a bit lost when it's time to build their decks with the new cards - but don't be afraid, as I'm here to help!
These are the 10 lists I recommend you test out on the firsts days of the new expansion, Fates Voyage: Onward. I gathered some competitive lists, and some lists which are more focused on fun combos. But as the base power level of the cards in this expansion is quite high, it is likely that the majority of these decks in this list are played at a high level.
Diana Leona

Both Nightfall and Daybreak archetypes got support cards in this expansion. As both Targon champions, Leona and Diana, were already flirting with each other in decks for a while, this new card incentive might just have been that little push for us to put this archetype to practice.
Now that Shurima can be the new support region for Daybreak, this deck can enjoy cards such as Rite of Negation and Supercharge to defend your units.
I have placed this deck at the top of this list, because I know many of you ship the most beautiful couple in Targon.
Janna Samira

It was no surprise that Janna, an incredibly versatile champion, would make a great team with Samira, the most versatile champion in the entire game.
I believe Janna can be explored in aggressive, combo, and control archetypes. This one is an aggressive list which has a few Burn elements, and lots of damage.
Samira loves cards that have their cost reduced, and her alongside Janna can level up with no effort, even faster than in the Seraphine lists in Eternal.
This deck is one of the biggest bets for the competitive scene, and it might become very present in the ranked queue. The true hard part is knowing how you'll build your competitive lineups, because, as we'll see soon, Janna, Samira and Nilah all play really well together, in very strong decks.
Janna Nilah

This is the archetype which is being sold to us in this expansion, and it is the set of cards which most "makes sense" to build with the new champions, as they have a lot of synergy together.
It is a list which combines card draw, discounts, and interactions with Elemental spells. But, eventually, you'll destroy the enemy Nexus by hitting it with Brash units.
As time goes on, obviously the new meta lists will change, and get better. But this deck seems quite well-rounded. It is possible that some spells change here and there, but, at least, out of the list's foundation cards, all of them might just be in this deck.
Nilah Samira

This list is quite similar to the deck above, but with a slightly different game approach. Noxus and Samira demand a more incisive game style. You won't have as many mana discounts, as you won't be playing Janna, but you'll have a bit more control over your opponent's board, and a bit more damage on the first few turns.
Out of all the new lists, this might be the one with more space to innovate and get better, as Samira allows you to play with everything in Noxus currently. The same can be said about Nilah, and, as a result, this deck can have many shapes, to explore many possible plays with this very harmonic region combination.
I suggest you change this deck to your taste, as you test it, so you can feel how you want to play with this new archetype.
Evelynn Maokai

This deck brings the new region identity proposed for Shadow Isles, which the new card, Lonely Chimeslime, promotes. The duo Evelynn Maokai is quite obscure, and almost no one played this combination of champions when Siren Song was strong because we had better decks.
This archetype is a combination of Siren Song lists with Maokai's Mill mechanic, now that this champion has at his disposal the card Watery Grave.
Lonely Chimeslime really matches the Husk mechanic, and can easily guarantee you a bunch of chimes for Evelynn's followers.
Ashe LeBlanc

The new card, Headmistress Telsi, matches Ashe LeBlanc's archetype astronomically. Because, besides this card doubling your Ashe's Frostbites, you'll also activate your Legion Marauders' effect twice, and your The Darkin Spear's too.
Headmistress Telsi is also a big unit, hard to remove if played on curve. It is also a card that doesn't disrupt the deck's rhythm, as you play Ashe on turn 4, and then play Headmistress Telsi on turn 5. If you have the attack token on odds, this development is even better, because you'll attack with these two units right afterward.
Galio Udyr

The Formidable archetype was presented with some very strong spells in this expansion. We're talking about Sky Splitter and Gentlemen's Duel. Besides, in the previous expansion before this one, we had already gotten for this archetype Balen The Benevolent, which is one of the best cards in the entire deck.
It is no surprise that this list is pretty well-rounded, and strong enough, after a good time, to come back into players' competitive radar. This deck is a great choice for those who enjoy a Midrange deck filled with interaction with the enemy board.
Volibear Aurelion Sol

Volibear seems to be a bit hard to star in a deck, despite his archetype being quite closed. Obviously, throughout the days, we'll find better ways of building new lists with the new champion, but, for now, this is probably one of the first few decks Volibear will be able to play in.
Targon has always been the first bet to pair Volibear with as it is the region which allows a slower game style. To compensate for this champion's level up conditions, this deck needs spells which deal AoE damage, which marks Avalanche's triumphant return to the meta. She Who Wanders can also be an extremely important card in the new meta, so we've added it to the deck too, so you can test it out.
Volibear Galio

Volibear's support spells really match Galio's game style and his Formidable followers. Not to mention Demacia is full of strong Titanic units.
Playing Galio with Sigil of the Storm's discounts is always going to be a very strong investment, because his champion effect is great to protect your units. Just like Tianna Crownguard, which performs a great role as a unit which can surprise your opponent, because no one expects this list to Rally as it is a Mana Acceleration deck.
Janna Seraphine

To finish, we have this Purrsuit of Perfection archetype with Bandle City. Seraphine was already having trouble finding her pair for this archetype in Standard after her two best friends, Viktor and Aphelios, were rotated.
As Bandle City is a region which creates many low-cost cards, Janna really matches this game style, as she allows you to play many cards for 1, 2, or even 0 mana. This really speeds up your Seraphine's level up condition, and really helps you complete Purrsuit of Perfection's conditions as well.
Back Alley Bar is also a card that helps you level up your Janna at the speed of light. This deck is apparently very fun, and I strongly suggest you test out this list if you like dynamic decks with many low-cost plays.
Final Words

If you read this far, now you have the top 10 decks to play on the first day of the Fates Voyage: Onward expansion.
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