The Eternal ranked queue is extremely diverse, and full of crazy strategies, as well as all types of decks.
A considerable number of players have made it to Masters already. In fact, recently, and most surprisingly, many players returned to PvP, and the Eternal ranked queue in particular. So, today, I decided to show you what the best Eternal players are using on the ranked queue.
This article was written on December 14th, but, by my calculations, these lists will still be viable when it comes out. Considering we won't get balance changes any time soon, they'll probably dominate the ranked queue for a long time.
1# CKG TomatoFish - 1.029 LP - Seraphine Karma Ezreal Catastrophe
This version is much more competitive than the Bandle City version. Nonetheless, it is significantly heavier if consider how much mana each card in it costs. That's mostly because Ionian cards are more powerful than Bandle City cards, and interact with the board a lot more. They are overall more impactful, as they actively interact with the board all the time. The Bandle City version, on the other side, instead creates cards and value.
What makes this deck stand out is its impeccable deckbuilding. It mostly plays one-ofs. It only plays two copies of its most important pieces, as they carry the entire archetype. This deckbuilding style makes leveling up Seraphine really easy, and also activates Purrsuit of Perfection faster.
These critical pieces are Nopeify!, Seraphine, Ezreal, Portal Pioneer, and Sunken Temple. The other cards in the deck are one-ofs, including Karma.
It is difficult to pilot, but is one of the best lists right now in terms of matchups. So much so that "TomatoFish" took it all the way up to rank 1.
2# Deep Fry Child - 756pdl - Classic Pirates
Nowadays, one of the most popular decks between Master players is this classic Pirates list.
We have seen many versions of this archetype since it was created, around four years ago, and, each season, it changes a little. Players always add one or two cards to make it even more powerful.
This time, they decided to bring only 1 copy of Double Up instead of 2, and bring 3 copies of Eye of Nagakabouros. The rest of the list is pretty much the same as the last versions.
This change means now you can focus a bit more on value, and keep getting resources instead of relying on Double Up actually killing units to deal damage to the enemy Nexus. It is better against control lists.
If you want to climb ranks right now, I highly recommend this list. It is extremely fast, easy to pilot, and, if you have just begun playing LoR, it is also pretty budget-friendly.
3# ODiN - 702 LP - Jinx Discard Homebrew
ODiN brought one of their own lists to the Eternal ranked queue. However, it is nothing more nothing less than a customized version of the classic Draven Jinx archetype, with a few extra cards.
This list plays The Arena's Greatest so you can trade a bit better early on, and also one copy of Elixir of Wrath, an aggressive combat trick. In all, it includes 18 1-cost cards, which is a lot when compared to the 12, 13 1-cost cards most decks include, and the 16 1-costs a few more unusual aggro lists include.
This deck focuses on leveling up Jinx at all costs, and plays a somewhat forgotten tech card - Salt and Stitches, which has always been considered a bit weak. It was played in some Discard lists, but never really stood out.
Finally, this list also includes one copy of Darius, which is not that unusual, as he can be extremely useful and catch many opponents off-guard. He also fits this archetype quite nicely, as he is aggressive. The only problem is that he is relatively expensive compared to the rest of the deck, and, considering this deck is all about discarding cards, you'll probably have to discard Darius at some point.
4# AT InMyWhiteRoom - 650pdl - Techno Neeko Timelines
InMyWhiteRoom managed to become the 4th best ranked player in the Eternal ranked queue with this Piltover & Zaun Neeko deck, or "Techno Neeko", as we're calling it. It includes 3 copies of Concurrent Timelines, the most beloved and hated LoR card of all time!
This deck is nothing but a regular Neeko list with Piltover & Zaun support cards that deal damage to the enemy Nexus directly. Regular Neeko lists usually play defensive Freljord spells.
It is incredibly aggressive and dynamic, and plays really cheap cards, which means your early and mid-game will be incredibly powerful and impactful.
Neeko's archetype always plays on curve, but this version is a bit different because it plays burn spells too. To use these spells, you'll have to skip a turn (typically turn 3) to bank mana. That's how you'll be able to play a Get Excited! or Mystic Shot on the enemy Nexus or one of their units.
In this list, the 3 Concurrent Timelines are just a funny trick, or discard fodder. After this card was completely changed, it became considerably weaker, but it can still catch many opponents off-guard depending on the matchup and how lucky you are. For instance, if you draw this spell but not the units to go with it, it is rather weak, and you'll be better off discarding it.
This list is quite unusual. I highly recommend it if you want to test out something fun and different.
6# Risen Rikan - 600 pdl - Azir Irelia Homebrew
We've skipped straight to the 6th-best ranked player because the 5th-best ranked player, "Sora Shinzoku", was playing the same Pirates list as "Deep Fry Child".
Our 6th-best ranked player is well-known in the LoR community, and always tries to bring something new to the table with his deckbuilding. This time was no different: He brought us a homebrew version of the Azir Irelia archetype.
This version plays one copy of Facecheck, which creates value and can be quite useful depending on the matchup. You can use it as a last resource in emergencies if everything goes wrong.
It also includes two copies of Portal Pioneer, which are great in mirror matches, and one Kennen, which is simply a cheap unit with Quick Attack. He can complement your combos or just act as a frontline (the first unit you'll use to put pressure on your opponent) if you keep him in your initial hand.
The reason he is so great in mirror matches is because he has a keyword other units in this archetype don't, and is incredibly cheap. So, in the first few turns, Kennen will always give you an advantage over your opponent.
And, lastly, this list also plays one copy of The Heart of the Tree, a value-focused alternative for the late game that will save you in control matchups. It may give you a finisher, and will grant Spirit to all your units globally, which makes this deck a lot more aggressive. It may be expensive, but it fits this archetype!
Final Words

If you read this far, thank you! I hope you had fun and enjoyed reading this article.
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See you next time!
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