Legends of Runeterra


LoR: October Rotation Review - New Decks and Main Changes!

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In this article, we'll review the October 2024 LoR rotation and discuss the main changes Standard has gone through. We'll also explore some new lists and see which archetypes will be great this season!

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translated by Joey

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revised by Tabata Marques

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Today, we'll discuss the October 2024 LoR champion rotation. We'll review the main changes the meta has gone through and show you a few lists that could be quite interesting this season. We'll also show you a few curious lists we saw on the first week of this new rotation.

What Rotated In and Out of Standard

All the champions below rotated out of Standard:

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All the Champions below rotated into Standard:

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The October 2024 Rotation

This rotation changed how aggro decks play in the meta. Common aggro lists that focused more on burn (like Tristana Teemo) lost many of their great cards, just like most aggro decks that focus on filling the board and dealing damage to the enemy Nexus directly.

However, Nocturne Vex remains intact and will probably still be one of the best competitive lists around, as well as Lulu Jinx.

Lurk has returned to Standard, so aggro players now have an even faster option if they want to play something different. It will most likely be the most popular archetype in the ranked queue for a few weeks because of how simple and strong it is against off-meta lists that can't control the board.

On the other side, many control decks could rise in popularity this season. They'll have to reinvent themselves, though, so the best control list in the meta might be a list we have never seen before.

I still haven't seen great "spellslinger" decks around.

Lastly, midrange, as a game style, rotated out of Standard almost entirely. Now that Ashe is no longer in this format, Frostbite lists are no longer the best option against aggro decks.

In any case, Darkins have returned, so midrange archetypes might have to lean on Lifesteal units and Morgana this season, as well as many combat tricks.

Strong Decks from Last Season that are No Longer in Standard

Zilean Taliyah

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Taliyah and Rite of Passage rotated out, so we can't really play this slow archetype anymore. The meta is also faster, which makes this strategy a bit inefficient.

It struggles quite heavily against Lurk, Spiders, and Nocturne Vex, so it's a bad option for Standard right now.

Gwen Le Blanc

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Gwen's entire package and Enraged Firespitter rotated out of Standard.

Nidalee Sivir

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Because Nidalee and Xolaani rotated out of Standard, this archetype is no longer viable. They were two of its most important cards, after all.

Strong Decks From Last Season that are Still Valid

Nocturn Vex

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This was the best list last season, and will probably remain so this season.

Lulu Jinx

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This is one of the few burn decks left in the meta, and no cards in it rotated out. It was also one of the best decks last season and could stand out even more now, considering it is a great option against other aggressive decks.

New Decks that Could Become Dominant This Season


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Pyke and Rek’Sai have returned to Standard and could become the best archetype in the game in the following days. Lurk is a popular archetype and is known for punishing lists that aren't ready to deal with its fast game strategy.


Usually, the meta orbits this list whenever it is playable: you can either play with it or something that beats it. Anything else tends to be uninteresting for the ranked queue and tournaments.


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Now that Elise is back in Standard, her archetype is immediately one of the best options to climb ranks. This list is simple and strong, as well as perfect for beginners.

Unlike other seasons, this time Spiders will most likely not lose that much power as the weeks go on. We'll be playing with a limited card pool, so they won't struggle against control lists as much as before - this game style will simply not be that popular this season.

Furthermore, new control decks (with Ryze, for instance) can't deal with this deck's Fearsome units.


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Darkins have returned, so one of the strongest midrange archetypes in the entire game has returned as well. It is also perfect in a Lurk meta because it heals itself, Strikes units, and Frostbites enemies.

Though difficult to pilot, this deck is quite well-rounded, and could dominate the ranked queue.

New Archetypes We Saw So Far

Ruined Rex Ezreal

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"Lawa", a familiar name in the LoR community, has created a new list that can, potentially, deal with Fearsome decks really well.

All the units in these aggressive lists don't have a lot of HP, so Piltover & Zaun and Bilgewater removals are great against them.

This deck also includes the Ruined Rex Sunken Temple combo, which could destroy your opponent's board completely. As for its finisher, that's Ezreal, who levels up fast and, at the end of the game, starts dealing damage to the enemy Nexus directly as you remove units from the board.

Draven Rumble

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Another known player in the community, "AerosMacCousland", created this Vayne Rumble version without Vayne. It can be a great option if you're looking for combo decks this season.

Overwhelm archetypes could become relevant again because many cards in the meta right now don't have a lot of HP. This means you'll be able to deal a lot more damage to the enemy Nexus with Overwhelm, and, as Rumble also has Quick Attack, he is the perfect unit for the first days of the new season.

With Great Hammers and Might, he is often unstoppable. Keep in mind, his Spellshield makes him immune against direct removals, so control lists are even more useless against him!

Final Words

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