Today, let's explore a few rising meta decks. These lists are slowly becoming more popular, as well as stronger. They might not be the most popular decks in the meta, but they're showing up in the hands of strong players as answers to the meta, or simply because they're a lot of fun.
Let's see them!
Ezreal Nilah - Porobot
Ezreal Nilah was one of the first most popular archetypes in the last competitive season, and it is still great for the ranked queue.
However, now players are testing out a slightly different list that includes Prototype Porobot and spells that cost 6 or more. The idea is to summon Prototype Porobot and use its recycling effect while you remove enemy units with your 6+ cost spells. You'll also summon other units "for free", like Monkey Idol's Powder Monkeys.
This deck is quite similar to Heimerdinger lists, but it doesn't actually play Heimerdinger. You'll play spells and summon units. However, Prototype Porobot will also refill one spell mana, as it has Attune.
You'll finish the game with level 2 Ezreal in play + Riptide Rex. With this combo, you'll deal damage to the enemy Nexus directly by playing all your fast and burst spells, like Nilah's Slipstream, Mystic Shots, and Make it Rains.
Illaoi - Tentacles
Illaoi decks weren't very popular last season because Vayne had rotated to Eternal. However, now that we can play Jarvan IV again, Illaoi decks can be competitive. They finally have a second champion to complement the entire strategy. These lists with Jarvan IV might not be as strong as the ones with Vayne, but they're still incredibly strong.
This archetype hasn't changed much, and is still a great option to answer aggressive metas, considering its units are often just too big for opponents that focus on filling the board with many small units. You'll block enemy attacks, buff your Tentacle, attack with it, and still be able to block another attack again when it's their turn.
Not to mention, you can give your Tentacle Overwhelm, which is the quickest path to victory, as most aggressive decks in the meta don't play units with a lot of health.
This is one of the best lists in the meta when the matter is controlling your opponent with combat tricks. After all, the entire deck wants you to Strike multiple times with your Tentacle or with Illaoi so you can level her up and create a gigantic unit on the board.
Most lists in the meta are not ready to deal with this strategy, so it's safe to say this is one of the best lists for the ranked queue right now. However, be careful with Shadow Isles: Mordekaiser lists are one of the few decks that can beat you easily!
Deathless LeBlanc & Sion
Throughout the years, no Deathless archetype was ever extremely popular and competitive. Very few Deathless cards managed to see play in meta decks, and the full Deathless package never really took off. This list is the closest thing we have nowadays to a Deathless archetype that works, and it is incredibly strong.
The main game plan is to kill your Deathless units with spells like Death's Grasp, Glimpse Beyond, and Soul Cleave. This way, you'll activate these effects without "losing" the units on your board because they'll have Deathless.
While you kill your units, your Sion will level up and become your main win condition. You can attack with him without any worries because, when he dies, he will Rally, and then you'll be able to set up another incredible attack with your units.
Another win condition this deck uses is The Undying - you'll always target this unit with your sacrifice spells. It is a constant, unstoppable threat that often snowballs pretty hard and wins the game alone if your opponent can't deal with it.
This list is surprisingly fast, as well as efficient. It is a Midrange Shadow Isles deck that focuses on answering the enemy board, all while you play aggressive units that aren't scared of death.
Akshan Sivir - Good Cards
Akshan, the king of "Good Cards" archetypes, has returned to Standard, and is already one of the most popular cards this season! His new trendy list is this "good cards" strategy that focuses on Overwhelm and uses Noxus as a support region.
As such, in this list Akshan plays with spells like Might and Bloody Business, which are great in this strategy.
The main idea is to play as efficiently as you can every turn, that is, always play on curve. On turn 1, play a 1-cost card, on turn 2, play a 2-cost card, and so on and so forth until turn 6.
This list also plays an unusual card, Dune Swallower, which, with Might or Treasure of the Sands, can win the game all by itself.
You can also use Curse of the Tomb with Might to kill your opponent with your Overwhelm units in a single attack.
Aatrox Demacia + Cithria
One of the most popular archetypes right now is Demacia Aatrox. This deck has returned to the meta and has become one of the most interesting options to answer aggressive decks. It is known as one of the most well-rounded Midrange lists in the entire game, as well as one of the few that can heal your Nexus. It also controls your opponent through Challenger units and combat tricks.
Not to mention, this deck's endgame is extremely solid and satisfying, as you'll summon gigantic Darkins with World Ender.
Aatrox is perfect for this meta precisely because it is a bit polarized - there are too many aggro lists as well as control lists. He is great against both of these archetypes. With this list, you can recycle your Darkin, making sure your endgame will be consistent, and heal your Nexus constantly with Aatrox and Morgana. It's perfect!
Cithria, Lady of Clouds turned out to be a perfect alternative win condition for this list. Against Midrange lists, she is essential, as she adds a lot of pressure to the board. The reason behind this is that this list doesn't play units that are big enough to compete against other Midrange strategies, and that's why Cithria is almost a staple for these types of decks nowadays. The best way you can answer her is to play her. Or, you can play Shadow Isles, but you're probably tired of this region by now, right?
Final Words

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