
The Eternal competitive season has started, and that is why many players are cooking up lists all the time. The ranked queue is a mess. As usual, I bring you the 10 lists I judge have the most impact, at least for the first few weeks of Patch 4.8.0.
These decks are extremely new, fresh out of the oven, and can really dominate both tournaments, and the Eternal ranked queue. So, let's take a look!
Lee Sin Targon

You must have seen some Lee Sin lists with Shurima showing up here and there in stat websites, and this version with Akshan is certainly the most popular, but it is not the best.
Unfortunately, Shurima is a region which doesn't seem to be that optimized to help our monk in his quest for the perfect kick to the face. Shurima is very dependent on drawing the right cards at the right time with the Predict mechanic.
In Targon, heals, Stuns, Invokes and Silences allow you to have a game plan with which you can take a bit more damage to your Nexus during the match. And Targon really makes Lee Sin's endgame easier, allowing for this champion to not be, necessarily, the only win condition in the deck - unlike the Shurima version.
Classic Timelines

This deck only gets better with time, like a fine wine. Timelines is one of my favorite lists, and, by far, one of the most competitive lists in the whole game. This deck can adapt to any matchup, and can easily close out matches with simple and fast combos. This version I've brought is my own version, and I'm using it in tournaments and the ranked queue, currently.
You can tell straight away that this deck is very safe, and you'll always feel comfortable in any matchup, as it doesn't matter the deck you're facing: there's always a way to win.
Now, you need to be wise in your Transformation choices, and when deciding which weapon to Improvise. If you master these mechanics, this list will take you far.
Samira Seraphine

Despite the constant nerfs, this list remains incredible. No matter what happens, this deck will always be strong, as it, just like Piltover & Zaun as a whole, can really adapt to any meta.
I firmly believe that this deck is one of the best of all time in LoR, but it is also one of the hardest to pilot. You can be sure that, as you go up in ranks in the ranked queue, you'll see more of this list being played.
Old and adventurous players alike love this type of deck, and so do I. That is why, I really recommend you give this list a chance - if you invest some time into it, it will bring you many victories.
Samira Targon - Cosmic Call

Targon and the whole Celestial package were buffed for this competitive season, and right away, on the first day, the community discovered this Targon list, which brings 3 copies of Samira.
Cosmic Call is a card which has been surprising many players at the beginning of the season, and it has been the main win condition in most decks which bring Targon. That, added to the Celestial package, and the fact that this deck is very well-prepared to deal with the aggressive lists and the most popular lists in the meta, makes this deck extremely efficient in the ranked queue.
This list is very well-rounded, and it can be the competitive meta's new face in the next few days.
Galio Udyr

This archetype is great against most Control lists in the Eternal format. Once Piltover & Zaun is the best region in the game currently, you'll certainly face many lists which bring removals from this region, which are only and exclusively direct damage removals. Knowing that, your deck is prepared with the best card to escape direct damage removals: Petricite Charger. All your protection spells make this card unstoppable.
The new card, Balen the Benevolent, is also a great addition to this archetype, and it is performing well in this deck, making the whole archetype's life easier.
Swain Braum

Poor Vladimir, who still can't be a part of its own archetype. He even shows up in many Braum lists, but, statistically, this is the one which is performing the best.
Swain has always been one of the most competitive champions in the entire game, and, even after he was nerfed, he is still performing well, which was to be expected. The aggressive Noxus package really matches the card Spirits Unleashed, and, as a result, this list is much more consistent than Vladimir's package of followers - which, despite also being cards which have synergy with Spirits Unleashed, cost more mana, and that is enough to make this list with Swain more efficient.
Fizz Akshan

This deck is here to end your opponent's happiness in all ways possible. Historically, Fizz has always matched Papercraft Dragon really well, and now both are making a triumphant return to this beginning of the competitive Eternal season.
This deck is filled with combos and tricks to protect your units, allowing Fizz and Ruin Runner to be bulletproof against any removal in the entire game. It is very hard to play against this list, so much so that it is the one with the best win rate globally for the Eternal format, with 66% win rate.
I still think that this deck can get better, which is why I recommend you keep an eye on this list, as it can show up even more in the next few days.
Gwen Kalista Demacia

Gwen has always really matched Demacia well, and, despite the recent nerf to Champions' Strength, she found another list in this region again, but now with Kalista.
This deck carries Captain Arrika as an alternative to control the endgame, which is quite a surprise to many players who didn't keep an eye on the competitive scene. In the last Open in the Eternal format, this card was responsible for putting many players into the tournament's top cut.
Demacia is also a region which behaves very well, answering and adapting to the meta, and preventing Piltover & Zaun abuse decks from being strong. In this deck, we have the presence of a few cards which increase the cost of spells, which is enough to completely stop any Viktor or Seraphine strategy.
Champless Timelines

This is one of the most beloved lists around. After the nerf to Concurrent Timelines, this deck, out of the three Timelines versions, was the first to be abandoned, as it is the one which most depends on Timelines to work. However, it is still a very strong list.
Rissu, the Silent Storm is a card which, when played with Timelines, brings onto your board a 7/3 unit with 3 Impact, and another 5-cost unit of your choice. That is absurdly strong. Not to mention, literally all units in this list match Timelines in an almost unbalanced way, so just play Timelines, and you'll almost guarantee your victory against most decks in the meta, particularly aggressive lists.
This deck is very fun, and I strongly recommend it for those who want a light and fast game style. No match is like another, as you'll always work with random units every single game.
Valley of Imitation - Cobra Kai

I left the best to the end. This list is becoming popular quick, and it is even being considered one of the best in the game. This deck has a very fast game rhythm, and a very strong combo with Valley of Imitation. This card, added to Beguiling Cobra and Big Game Tycoon, allows you to have on board units which surpass 100 stats in attack and defense, and very easily too. Not to mention Xolaani and other units, such as Ruin Runner, which also match this strategy really well.
I strongly recommend you test out this list, as it is a new archetype which is becoming quite popular, and which still has a long way to go in terms of getting better, even if it is already one of the best decks in the game. That is why, keep an eye on it, as this list will still cause a lot of headache on everybody.
Final Words

If you've read this far, now you have access to the 10 best decks for the beginning of the Eternal competitive season.
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