The new cards are here! A set of Ionian cards was just revealed this Tuesday, the 21st, the first to come for Legends of Runeterra’s new set, “Glory in Navori”, in the spoiler season. In total, there are six new cards, plus 2 generated tokens.

These revealed cards show, among Recall and Buff mechanics which are already familiar to the Ionian region, a new addition to the game: Refilling Unit mana, through the generated tokens called “Coins”:

Though the game already had spell mana refill with cards such as Flash of Brilliance, a card that exists since beta, it is the first time it will be possible to refill unit mana.
(Previously, it was possibly to refill unit mana only through effects such as Trundle’s Ice Pillar, which refills unit mana equals to its cost, and The Veiled Temple which refills unit mana after you've played two cards in the round. The concept is the same, but the actual workings of the Pillar/Temple and the Coins are vastly different.)
According to further explanation on game devs’ social media, these Coins will work similarly to Powder Keg’s in your hand: They will stack, occupying one card slot in your hand, but their cost will remain the same.
So, if you have a stack of 5 Coins in hand, you’ll only need to spend 1 spell mana, as Coins are a burst speed spell, to instantly refill 5 unit mana. Coins will refill first unit mana, then spell mana, and it is still unconfirmed what happens to the excess coins (Say you have more coins in hand than mana gems available).
The interaction with other cards has also been properly detailed by devs on social media. Cards that "create exact copies", such as Counterfeit Copies, will create exact copies of the stack of Coins, so if you have a 5 Coin stack, it will create a Stack of 5 Coins in your deck. Cards that don't state "exact" copies, will copy only 1 Coin.
Cards such as Karma and Seraphine, which copy spells played, will also play accordingly, so a 1 mana 5 Coin Stack with either of these leveled champions on board would mean a 10 mana refill.
All Three Champions Seem to be In this Arena
The most eagle-eyed, and lore-oriented players and fans might have noticed all three champions are already appearing on these Ionian cards, which only brings more strength to the theory that this expansion is going to gather fearsome warriors across Runeterra into the same Arena for battle.

These Ionian cards are probably Sett’s followers
Though three champions have already been announced for this upcoming expansion, Sett, Samira and Jack, the Winner, the matter of which region they would go to has still remained a mystery. Sett is from a Noxian colony on Ionian soil, and Samira was born in Shurima, but found her true calling in Noxus, becoming one of its most ferocious mercenaries. Jack, the Winner, the exclusive original champion, is originally a Bilgewater card, but recent artworks have shown him in what seems to be an Ionian setting:

To top it all off, they all seem to be in the same place, lore-wise, as shown previously. However, the cards revealed today might indicate Sett will be the Ionian champion himself. The flavor text in three cards show references to this champion:

"Glory in Navori" will hit servers on March 29th, almost a week from now. Until then, daily reveals will be reported back here at Cards Realm, so don't miss it!
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