Legends of Runeterra


Last Runeterra Open: Check out the Top 8 Decks and tournament metagame!

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We have separated the lineups of the top 8 players from the last Runeterra Open. This was the last edition of the tournament, which will be on hiatus for an indefinite period. Let's see how LoR's last competitive meta went, and who the 8 best players in the tournament were.

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Table of contents

  1. > Introduction
  2. > MajiinBae
  3. > Spidz
  4. > FuriousPorobear
  5. > Kuako
  6. > 3rd RickoRex
  7. > 3rd Uncle Muscles
  8. > 2nd RealPrismsword
  9. > 1st ABG Rogio
  10. > Conclusion


This past weekend we had the last Runeterra Open. Due to Riot's decisions to no longer invest in the competitive, the tournament will be on hiatus for an indefinite period of time.

Anyway, we had the most acclaimed players in the community present, showing us their best lists, competing for honor and glory, to celebrate LoR's last competitive event.

I've separated the lineup of the event's top 8 players here, to record the last LoR competitive meta in this news article, and also for you to find out who the tournament's top 8 finalists were.



MajiinBae brought us a lineup that greatly expresses the player's SpellSlinger identity. It comes with three control/combo lists rated as the best alternatives for this style of game, for the competitive meta.

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Player and caster Spidz took a version of Aatrox Vayne with Morgana, one of the decks with the main premise of countering Sett Karma or Seraphine lists. A strategy that worked very well for her, since Seraphine Sett was the most played deck of the tournament.

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FuriousPorobear led an extremely aggressive lineup with the new version of the Pirates archetype with Nilah. He also brought Annie Jhin, one of the best options against Demacia and Freljord decks in general, in addition to Jinx discard with Bandlecity, one of the fastest decks in the current meta.

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Of all the players in the top 8, Kuako was the one who innovated the most, bringing a strategy with unusual decks, with the player's main choice being Nidalee Yuumi, a surprise for the Open.

He also brought Poros, a strong deck that was a protagonist in the 2023 Worlds meta, along with the Dragons deck with Shyvana which was quite popular with Open players.

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3rd RickoRex

Despite being on the European server, RickoRex came to celebrate the last Open on the American server "Overwhelming" all his enemies with a lineup very characteristic of the player. He brought a version of Jax, but without Ornn, in addition to his signature deck: Gwen Sejuani and an extremely strong list with Bard & Gnar also well known for being one of the player's main choices.

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3rd Uncle Muscles

Uncle Muscles revived the archetype of Fizz Samira in this Open taking the deck to third place. The player also brought the famous Teemo Elusive, which is one of the most played decks in the ranked queue, also with one of the best win rates.

To everyone's surprise, he closes the lineup with a control list, Seraphine Sett, the most played deck in the Open.

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2nd RealPrismsword

Second place was Realprismsword, which brought a triple control lineup almost identical to MajiinBae's, reinforcing the importance of these three decks in the meta, as the best options for this type of archetype.

Highlight for the return of Wizened Helmsman to the Janna Nilah deck. This card was one of the strongest of the archetype as soon as it appeared, but it fell into oblivion over the months due to the meta, and the archetype needing faster cards.

After the nerfs, Janna Nilah became a relatively slower deck, allowing the Wizened Helmsman to return to the deck, being a main part of the archetype's finishing combos.


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1st ABG Rogio

The grand champion of the last edition of the Open was ABG Rogio! He brought three aggressive and very simple lists.

We have Gnar Darius, the best deck choice for ranked queue, as it is an extremely simple and consistent archetype.

Jax Ornn, which was one of the strongest decks for a long time, returns to the meta to neutralize Sett control lists, and Piltover and Zaun decks, in general. This deck is one of the safest choices among veteran players, as it is an extremely well-known list among them, and also because it has a very linear and consistent game plan, perfect for competitive play.

Rogio ends with Shyvana Morgana Elder Dragon focused on dragons, which is the deck built the way Riot thought the archetype should be played originally.

Even after the nerfs, Morgana remained one of the best control tools in the game, and Elder Dragon remained one of the best cards in the competitive format too. This dragon-focused list is the living proof that Elder Dragon's Origin It is one of the most consistent competitive strategies of all time.

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