Legends of Runeterra


LoR Quiz: Where do you Rank in the Explorer's Guild?

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In this quiz, you'll test your LoR knowledge to know how far you've come in the Explorer's Guild! Are you a newbie or a veteran explorer?

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translated by Joey

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revised by Tabata Marques

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Explorers are a group of individuals that thirst after discovery! After the technological advances in Piltover, which made it possible to travel through Hextech portals, it is now a lot easier to travel through Runeterra. This greatly motivated explorers to go out and explore Valoran.

Nomads from everywhere in this world go to the Explorer's Guild to enlist, and explore Runeterra. Let's test your LoR knowledge before we sign you to our Guild!

Complete the test below to find out how much you know about LoR, and join the Explorer's Guild!


Question image

How do we stop a level 2 Elder Dragon?

We can't stop it.Correct symbol

We return it to the enemy hand.Correct symbol

We obliterate it.Correct symbol

We silence it.Correct symbol

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Which of these mechanics is only found in Shurima?

Lurk.Correct symbol

Predict.Correct symbol

Ambush.Correct symbol

Manifest.Correct symbol

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Which region has the highest number of champions?

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Shadow Isles.Correct symbol

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Bandle City.Correct symbol

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Noxus.Correct symbol

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Bilgewater.Correct symbol

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Which of these unit *types* only exist in *Freljord* in the standard format?

Elnuk.Correct symbol

Poro.Correct symbol

Dog.Correct symbol

Yeti.Correct symbol

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Which region DOESN'T have a champion with *Quick Attack*?

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Freljord.Correct symbol

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Shurima.Correct symbol

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Targon.Correct symbol

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All regions have at least one champion with Quick Attack.Correct symbol

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What is the maximum number of units a player can have on their board?

5.Correct symbol

12.Correct symbol

6.Correct symbol

11.Correct symbol

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Which of these keywords can't be randomly generated?

Answer image

Fated.Correct symbol

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Deathless.Correct symbol

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Augment.Correct symbol

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Scout.Correct symbol

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Which of these units is collectible?

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Spiderling.Correct symbol

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Twinblade Revenant.Correct symbol

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Flame Chompers!Correct symbol

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Jubilant Poro.Correct symbol

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Which of these cards go through Fizz' protection effect?

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Defective Swapbot.Correct symbol

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Rhasa the Sunderer.Correct symbol

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Riptide Rex.Correct symbol

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None of them.Correct symbol

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Which of these units, if Transformed, can transfer their created keywords to the unit they were Transformed into?

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Petricite Broadwing.Correct symbol

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All of them.Correct symbol

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Keeper of the Box.Correct symbol

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None of them.Correct symbol

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How many Darkin weapons we have in the game?

10.Correct symbol

12.Correct symbol

9.Correct symbol

13.Correct symbol

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Which follower represents Crescendum, Aphelios' weapon?

Answer image

The Sky Shadows.Correct symbol

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The Cloven Way.Correct symbol

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The Winding Light.Correct symbol

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The Fangs.Correct symbol
