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Top 5 Lineups for the World Qualifier Runeterra Open - October 28th

Top 5 Lineups for the World Qualifier Runeterra Open - October 28th

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll discuss the top 5 lineups you can bring to play in the Runeterra Open, World ...

guide lor competitive standard

Heart of the Huntress' World Qualifier Runeterra Open: All 3 Winner Lineups!

Heart of the Huntress' World Qualifier Runeterra Open: All 3 Winner Lineups!


The World Qualifier Runeterra Open in the Heart of the Huntress season happened last weekend, August...

news competitive open

Top 5 Best Lineups for The Heart of the Huntress' World Qualifier Open!

Top 5 Best Lineups for The Heart of the Huntress' World Qualifier Open!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

August 5th's World Qualifier Runeterra Open is coming soon, and today I bring you a guide on the str...

guide open lor

Runeterra World Qualifier Open - Analyzing Drisoth's Winner Lineup

Runeterra World Qualifier Open - Analyzing Drisoth's Winner Lineup

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll analyze the first Runeterra World Qualifier Open Winner lineup - Drisoth's! W...

opinion analysis competitive runeterra ope

Legends of Runeterra reaches 600,000 players worldwide

Legends of Runeterra reaches 600,000 players worldwide


After a discovery made on Reddit earlier this week, Legends of Runeterra reportedly and allegedly ha...

news lor path of champions player count

LoR Competitive Update: Prize Pool, New Formats, and a New Path to Worlds!

LoR Competitive Update: Prize Pool, New Formats, and a New Path to Worlds!


A prize pool of $10,000, new formats for competitive events, a new point system for the World Champi...

news lor competitive worlds

New Path to Worlds: Everything about LoR's Competitive Circuit in 2023

New Path to Worlds: Everything about LoR's Competitive Circuit in 2023


Yangzera explains the new Legends of Runeterra competitive circuit, besides talking about the new wa...

news standard eternal competitive

World Ender: Solving the Meta

World Ender: Solving the Meta


This article is aimed at presenting the situation regarding new champions and how the meta is shapin...

competitive expansion decks

Everything about Competitive tourneys in LoR and how to play them

Everything about Competitive tourneys in LoR and how to play them


In this article, I will list the main existing Legends of Runeterra competitive tourneys and all the...

competitive tourneys worlds

6 Decks to Play from the Darkin Saga: World Ender Expansion!

6 Decks to Play from the Darkin Saga: World Ender Expansion!

Tony Lucas

In this article I bring decks with the new champions that are coming to LoR: Aatrox, Kayle and Ryze!

competitive decks

Aatrox, Kayle and Ryze: First Impressions

Aatrox, Kayle and Ryze: First Impressions

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

In the World Ender expansion, we have 3 new champions coming: Aatrox, Kayle and Ryze. They all look ...

world ender expansion lor

Worldwalker: 10 decks to test out with the new Runeterra champions

Worldwalker: 10 decks to test out with the new Runeterra champions


The Worldwalker expansion brought us many new cards, check out some interesting decks with these new...

decks worldwalker expansion lor

Bard and Annie: First Impressions of the new champions

Bard and Annie: First Impressions of the new champions

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

With the reveal season for Worldwalker coming to an end, we have the last two champions: Bard and An...

lor worldwalker expansion

Live Worldwalker: everything about the new Runeterra set

Live Worldwalker: everything about the new Runeterra set


Legends of Runeterra’s sixth set, Worldwalker, arrives on May 25th, 2022! Here you will see recent u...

set wolrdwalker

Jhin and Illaoi: First Impressions of Worldwalker

Jhin and Illaoi: First Impressions of Worldwalker

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

With the beginning of the Worldwalker reveals, we have the first two champions: Jhin and Illaoi. In ...

worldwalker expansion lor

See all decklists from the 16 players in Runeterra World championship

See all decklists from the 16 players in Runeterra World championship

Divinity Of Philosophy

There are 48 decklists divided into 16 line-ups that will be used in the biggest Legends of Runeterr...

decklists lineup top16 worlds
