Legends of Runeterra

Deck Guide

Legends of Runeterra - Top 5 Fun Off-Meta Decks to play in Masters!

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In this article, we listed 5 fun off-meta decks to play in Masters. These lists are not very powerful and probably won't help you climb ranks, but they include incredibly fun interactions!

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переведено Joey

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рассмотрено Tabata Marques

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In this article, I brought you 5 fun, off-meta decks that are perfect if you have already climbed to Masters and don't want to play boring meta stuff anymore.

These lists are not very strong and probably won't help you climb ranks, but they're certainly quite fun and include interesting combos that are currently available in Standard.

Let's see them!

Beach Aatrox

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This is one of my favorite archetypes! With it, I got to the top 16 of the April 2023 Runeterra Open!


Currently, it is nice in Standard, but it is not that strong against control Shadow Isles.

Other than that, it is extremely fast and dynamic. It can also surprise your opponent if they're not ready to deal with a board full of units and a gigantic Xolaani ending the match.

The main idea behind this list is to buff your 1-cost units with Darkin equipment, Reaver's Row, and Jagged Taskmaster. You don't care if your units die, as long as they're buffed.

Eventually, your Xolaani the Bloodweaver will become Xolaani, Aspect's Bane, and, if your opponent can't answer her, you'll win the game with a board full of units with 16 attack and Overwhelm.

Big Blades

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Irelia is one of the worst champions in the game if she can't play with Azir, and building a deck for her without him is incredibly difficult.

However, in Standard nowadays, we found a way to make her work by abusing two mechanics that buff allies globally: Spirits Unleashed and The Heart of the Tree's second chapter.

This slow deck wants to play The Heart of the Tree early on so you can draw many cards. Eventually, on a single turn, you'll be able to play all the pieces of your combo, Spirits Unleashed and The Heart of the Tree, for less than usual.

Don't spend your blade dances before buffing all your cards globally. If your opponent doesn't kill you or can't answer your plays, ending the game will be extremely satisfying.

Renekton OTK

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The Curse of the Tomb archetype is probably the most competitive deck in this list. It is a relatively old game style that was not that popular in the past but has now returned to Standard because Renekton is also back.

The main idea behind this list is to play Chamber of Renewal, Renekton, and then attack a vulnerable target with Curse of the Tomb.

If you execute this successfully, this combo will either win you the game on the spot or level up your Renekton with a single attack. In any case, it will be extremely uncomfortable for your opponent, which will then have to answer a Spellshield unit.

The entire list plays around Renekton and ways to level him up or deal as much damage as you can with him to the enemy Nexus. So, when you mulligan, always look for him or ways to get him.

Lucian and Senna at the Plaza

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This Sentinel couple is back in Standard once again, as well as The Grand Plaza. This deck wants to play many low-cost units with Lucian to level him up as fast as possible. Then, you'll put pressure on your opponent by Rallying with him.

Senna is here to help you level up Lucian, but she is also an extremely strong attacker, as she has Quick Attack. If all goes wrong, just finish the match with The Harrowing or play Taarosh.

Remember to grant Deathless to your Lucian to prevent him from straight-up dying. Like so, playing your combo will be easy.

Vengeful Lux

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This is an interesting control deck that uses many popular cards in the current meta and combines Kindred and Lux.


This version is nothing more, nothing less than just a slightly different version of Mordekaiser decks; instead of him, you'll play Lux. Like so, this deck focuses a lot more on constantly removing cards and abusing the way she interacts with Shadow Isles spells that cost 6 or more.

Lux is also a great blocker on the turn you play her because of her barrier, and she has great defensive stats as well. Not to mention, Demacia has one of the best tech cards for this meta: Purify, which can remove Deathless or Elusive from enemy units.

This deck is great in control mirror matches because it plays Commander Ledros and also one copy of The Harrowing to finish the game in style, all while shooting lasers at your opponent!

Final Words

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