Legends of Runeterra

Card Highlight

Erastin, the Disgraced - 3 Decks with this Peculiar Card!

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In this article, we'll show 3 rising lists from the ranked queue that bring Erastin, the Disgraced - one of the most underappreciated cards in Legends of Runeterra. This unit took some time to find its place in the meta, but now, after rotation, it finally showed us what it can do!

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translated by Joey

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revised by Tabata Marques

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Some time ago, when I was reviewing a new batch of cards that had just come out, I gave a low rating to Erastin, the Disgraced. Some players were really upset, but indeed this card never really saw much play… So far.

Today, I'll show you 3 decks with Erastin, the Disgraced that are gaining some traction in the meta. They might be interesting options if you want to test out new decks with a card that may have been a bit weak in the past, but has always been loved by the community.


Viego & Mordekaiser & the Elder Dragon

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This is a very common combination of champions, but it never really stood out - it was always just a mid deck you could test out in the ranked queue.

Now that we got a new rotation and a new expansion, the meta got significantly slower, which means this archetype can finally deal with early turns a bit better and not lose the game immediately to aggressive lists.

As a result, competitive players started playing an entirely new list with Erastin, the Disgraced.

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This is a new Elder Dragon brew for Standard, and cards like Windsinger and Grimm apparently are the new staples in these new types of list.

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To finish this list, we have the Atakhan, Bringer of Ruin + Erastin, the Disgraced combo, with which you'll fill the board by bringing Erastin back (as it can't die), attack with multiple units, and stack a lot of attack points on Atakhan.

This deck is apparently very competitive because it is full of cards that aren't that popular right now but that are once again critical for the meta, like Vengeance and The Ruination. Not to mention, most of your units, including your champions, will activate Elder Dragon's Origin effect, which means they'll be more "adaptable" to every situation, as they might get Tough, Fearsome, or Deathless for free. This significantly improves your game plan.

Norra Vex Elder Dragon

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This Elder Dragon Bandle City archetype has been quite popular for quite some time. Well, now it has Vex to complement its game strategy even more.

This was a very unpopular list at first; it only started gaining some popularity in the last few days after the top-ranked player in the European server, SouloEater1, started playing with it.

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It also has the Atakhan, Bringer of Ruin + Erastin, the Disgraced combo, but the rest of its cards are entirely different from the list with Viego.

We have the iconic Ancient Yeti and Minitee, and even Enraged Firespitter has returned after it apparently went on vacation for a few months as soon as its most popular archetypes were nerfed.

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Another card I want to highlight is Minimorph, which was, for a very limited time in the past, one of the best "removals" in the game. It has returned after so long to answer Lux: Illuminated lists and other decks that play gigantic units on the board.

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Its early game package is also quite iconic: Norra and her portals, and control, disruptive cards like Early Bird and Glare.

This list is more popular by the minute because it is currently the most victorious deck in the European server (on the day I am writing this article, at least), and might be the new staple Norra Elder Dragon brew around.


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Vi Caitlyn Vex Control with Erastin

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The last time we saw Caitlyn and Vi together was in another control deck that had Corina Veraza, a very long time ago.

This list has the best of everything the control archetype can offer: we have removals for literally everything in the meta, and your main win condition is no one other than him: Erastin, the Disgraced.

Unlike the other decks in this article, this list uses Erastin as an independent unit instead of pairing him with another card in a combo. His role is to be a big unit, with a strong "revive" effect, that will put pressure on your opponent every second of the match until they run out of resources trying to stop him.

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Every champion in this deck is just a support champion to your overall strategy, whose main role is to control the board until you play Erastin. Vi will kill big enemy units, Caitlyn will control the early game with her Flashbombs, and Vex will put Gloom on enemy units so you can remove them with your other cards.

A card that deserves a shoutout in this deck is Defective Swapbot: it's great to stop decks that play gigantic units on the board, which are very common nowadays. This card may change the course of the game all on its own because, after you play it, you will be the one with the big unit, and your opponent will just have a 4/3.

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Another great card is Necrotic Arachnoid, which is an alternative win condition, as it will drain the enemy Nexus directly when your units die. This card may both help you survive a few matchups and deal damage to the enemy Nexus directly while you revive your Erastin, if their defenses are just too strong and their blocks just too efficient.

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The only problem with this deck is card draw. So, any Midrange list that has an extremely efficient value play, like drawing lots of cards with Trifarian Assessor in Yeti decks, or playing lots of units with Spellshield, like Shurima and Targon decks, are really strong against this list.

This deck might be a great option for you if you enjoy playing grassroot tournaments (which are gradually returning), considering it is an extremely competitive archetype and works better when you can ban a deck before playing.

Final Words

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